Invitation to the Communicum research workshop

We invite you to the Communicum research workshop. The workshop is a networking tool that enables researchers, teachers and doctoral students in Aalto University and the University of Helsinki to get acquainted with each others’ media and communication-related research questions and themes of interest.

The first workshop will take place on Monday 19th of December between 2 and 5 p.m. at the Aalto Töölö campus (School of Economics). After the workshop the participants can together enjoy small snacks and refreshments.

To participate in the workshop, please register by filling a form at by December 4th. Please include your name, contact information and, importantly, three themes that interest you the most in media and communication studies. These themes can relate either to research areas or methodology.

The participants will receive more information of the workshop in December.


The Department of Communication at Aalto ECON and Communication Studies at the Department of Social Research at the University of Helsinki set in motion the Communicum initiative in late 2010. The aim is to facilitate collaboration between researchers, teachers and students of media and communication at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. During the process also Aalto TAIK Department of Media and Aalto SCI Department of Media Technology have joined the Communicum project, as well as the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Helsinki.

In the beginning, a concrete output of Communicum has been the diversification of education through the facilitation of student mobility. In the second stage, researchers of media and communication from the two universities will be facilitated to get in touch with each other and outline possible joint research projects and other forms of co-operation.

Communicum wiki:

More information on Communicum:
Mikko Villi, mikko.villi[at], mob. +358-50-5692149
Merja Porttikivi, merja.porttikivi[at], mob. +358 50 312 0911

Kutsu Communicum-tutkimustyöpajaan

Tervetuloa Communicumin järjestämään tutkimusyhteistyön työpajaan. Työpajan tarkoituksena on olla verkostoitumisen paikka niille Helsingin yliopiston ja Aalto-yliopiston tutkijoille, opettajille ja jatko-opiskelijoille, jotka tekevät työtään media- ja viestintätutkimuksen parissa.

Ensimmäinen Communicum-työpaja järjestetään maanantaina 19. joulukuuta klo 14-17 Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun tiloissa Töölössä. Työpajan jälkeen on mahdollisuus nauttia yhdessä naposteltavaa ja virvokkeita.

Osallistuakseen työpajaan tulee täyttää ilmoittautumislomake osoitteessa joulukuun 4. päivään mennessä. Lomakkeeseen tulee nimen ja yhteystietojen lisäksi kirjata kolme itseään kiinnostavaa teemaa media- ja viestintätutkimuksen kentällä. Nämä teemat voivat liittyä joko tutkimusalueisiin tai menetelmiin.

Ilmoittautuneet saavat lisätietoa työpajasta joulukuussa.


Communicum-yhteistyöhankkeen myötä luodaan yhteistoimintaa Aalto-yliopiston ja Helsingin yliopiston viestinnän ja median tutkijoiden, opettajien ja opiskelijoiden välille. Perusajatuksena on ”mieluummin yhteistyötä kuin kilpailua”. Communicum toimii tälle yhteistyölle eräänlaisena ihmisiä ja toimintaa alleen yhdistävänä sateenvarjona. Communicumissa ovat mukana Aalto ECONin viestinnän laitos, Aalto TAIKin median laitos, Aalto SCIn mediatekniikan laitos, Helsingin yliopiston viestinnän oppiaine sekä Helsingin yliopiston taloustieteen laitos.

Konkreettinen toiminta alkoi lukuvuoden 2011-2012 alussa. Alkanutta lukuvuotta varten kerättiin yhteen kursseja, joita on avattu Communicum-yhteistyössä mukana olevien laitosten opiskelijoille. Toiminnan lisäarvo on siinä, että näin voidaan monipuolistaa kurssitarjontaa sekä saattaa opiskelijoita tekemisiin toistensa kanssa yli yliopistorajojen.  Toisena vaiheena on tutkimusyhteistyön fasilitoiminen, päämääränä mm. yhteisten tutkimushankkeiden ja kirjoitusprojektien mahdollistaminen.


Lisätietoa Communicumista:
Mikko Villi, mikko.villi[at], mob. +358-50-5692149
Merja Porttikivi, merja.porttikivi[at], mob. +358 50 312 0911

Some relevant call for papers in the vicinity

1) NordiCHI 2012 – Making sense through design
IT University of Copenhagen on the 14-17th of October 2012
30th of April 2012: Full papers & short papers

Over the years, Interaction Design has produced manifold contributions
to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) by elevating among
other things the importance of user experience, design practices,
creativity, and participation. By having design as part of the
conference theme, NordiCHI 2012 wants to recognise the significant
vitality of the design community in the Nordic region, including top-
level education, world-class industrial and artistic design, and high
cultural relevance.

2) DIS 2012 Designing Interactive Systems – Interactive systems in the wild Culture Lab, Newcastle, UK 11-15,  June 2012
January 20, 2012 (23:59 EST): Full and short paper submission deadline

At DIS 2012 we will turn our focus to what happens when our
interactive systems are used “in the wild”. Join us to discuss the
opportunities, issues and challenges of interactive systems when they
are placed in the lived, everyday experiences of people, institutions
and practices.

3) PDC 2012 Participatory Design – Embracing New Territories of
Participation. Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark Aug 12-16, 2012.
Jan 15, 2012, 11pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time): submission of title
and abstract (to match reviewers)
Feb 3, 2012, 11pm PDT: submission deadline all categories
With firm roots in the original Participatory Design focus on
involving people in the introduction of technology into their work,
the theme of the next PDC conference invites us to explore traditional
fields of participatory design as well as emerging areas, field,
arenas and forms of participation.

Magazine symposium 2011: Visual Power, torstaina 1.12.2011, Sampo-sali

Magazine symposium 2011 järjestetään torstaina 1. joulukuuta Aalto-yliopiston taideteollisessa korkeakoulussa, Mediakeskus Lumeen Sampo-salissa (Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki). Tänä vuonna tilaisuuden teemana on aikakauslehtien visuaalinen voima. Magazine symposium on osa Mediakonseptien suunnittelu -opintokokonaisuutta ja Magazine Design -sivuainetta.

Ohjelma 1.12.2011

10.00 Aikakauslehtijournalismin professori Maija Töyry: Tervetuloa

10.10 Aikakausmedian toimitusjohtaja Mikko Hoikka: Aikakauslehti tänään

10.20 Aikakauslehtijournalismin professori Sammye Johnson (Trinity Universiy, USA): Concepts and Contexts in Magazine Design – A Case Study of Cover Images and Cover Lines in Maxim and Cosmopolitan

11.00 Valokuvan tutkija Hanna Weselius: Mistä aikakauslehden henkilökuvat kertovat? Kuvat osana konseptia

11.30 Graafisen suunnittelun tutkija Harri Heikkilä: Lehtien väylät tabletteihin – iPadin seitsemän julkaisutyyppiä

12.00 Lounastauko

13.00 Kirjainmuotoilija Saku Heinänen: Logojen logiikasta – miten ja miksi syntyy uusi lehden nimiö?

13.30 Kolme tuoretta opinnäytetutkimusta: visuaalisuus eri medioissa

15.00 Kahvitauko & Magazine Design -opiskelijoiden testikyselyitä uusiin, yhteistyössä lehtitalojen kanssa kehitettäviin konsepteihin liittyen

15.30 Graafisen suunnittelun tutkija Nanna Särkkä: Aikakauslehtien visuaalisuutta sanallistamassa – miten saada ote moniulotteisesta kokonaisuudesta?

15.45 Visual power -paneelikeskustelu: Miten brändi viedään eri välineisiin? Miten visuaalista identiteettiä ylläpidetään ja tutkitaan? Vuoden 2012 alussa käynnistyvä Visual power -tutkimus on osa Tekesin rahoittamaa Next Media -tutkimushanketta. Keskustelijoina visuaalisuuden tutkijat sekä mediayritysten edustajat. Vetäjinä Maija Töyry ja professori Pirkko Oittinen (Aalto-yliopisto, mediatekniikan laitos).

17.00 Glögiä ja seurustelua

Tilaisuus on maksuton. Kahvi- ja glögitarjoilun vuoksi pyydämme ilmoittautumaan 23.11.2011 mennessä osoitteeseen nanna.sarkka(at)


Lisätietoja tilaisuudesta:
aikakauslehtijournalismin professori Maija Töyry (maija.toyry(at), p. 050 521 2686)
projektitutkija Nanna Särkkä (nanna.sarkka(at), p. 050 520 8366)

Lisätietoa aikakauslehtien suunnittelun opetuksesta:

Lisätietoa aikakauslehtien tutkimuksesta:


Magazine symposium 2011: Visual power

Magazine symposium 2011 takes place in the Media Centre Lume / Sampo auditorium, Aalto University, School of Art and Design (Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki) 1 December 2011. The symposium is mainly in Finnish. Everybody is welcome to attend, but please register by 23 November 2011 by sending an e-mail to nanna.sarkka(at)

Denise Turner’s Lecture, November 29, 2011, 10:00-11:30, Media Factory

Colorist Denise Turner’s Lecture, November 29, 2011, 10:00-11:30, Media Factory.
Color specialist and consultant Denise Turner will be giving an open lecture “Colors Unveiled” aimed for designers. Colors Unveiled is a fusion of Color Physiology, Color Psychology, Cultural Color and marketing. She will present some of the 2012 European color trends and what’s driving them. She give insight into the LOHAS phenomenon and how it’s changing color and design trends, explain how colors affect your emotions, behavior, energy level and health. She will also explain how CMG (Color Marketing Group) Color Forecasters track colors and trends; see how they turn their knowledge into sellable goods.

Denise Turner, ASID, CID, CMG is an award winning international colorist, certified interior, color & design trend forecaster, speaker, author and president of the Color Turners. She guides businesses and manufactures to achieve greater success with their own color, design and marketing dilemmas. Denise has been a student of Asian Studies for over 15 years, with an emphasis on health. She is an authority on Color & Culture, Color Psychology and Color Philosophy; she combines her unique background to enhance her client’s competitive edge. Denise regularly appears in press, as a spokesperson for ASID National and, CMG Expert Speaker’s Bureau. She’s the Color & Design Trend Columnist for Home Portfolio Magazine, CMG Chair holder, ASID professional member, former ASID chapter president and UCLA graduate.

Professor Charles Spence’s Presentation, December 1, 2011, 10:00-12:00, room 4319

Professor Charles Spence, will be visiting School of Art and Design on December 1, 2011. He will give a brief presentation about recent multisensory research being done at Oxford University in room 4319 at 10:00–12:00.

This should be interesting for anyone who interested in sensory design, user experience and perception of designed objects!  After the presentation students and staff have a possibility to ask questions and opportunity to discuss their own research objectives and problems with him.

Spence is one of the keynote speakers at Lohaspack-seminar on 30.11.2011 at Design Factory. ( This seminar is also open to public, but requires registration before November 23, .2011.

Biography – Professor Charles Spence

Professor Charles Spence is the head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory at the Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University ( He is interested in how people perceive the world around them. In particular, how our brains manage to process the information from each of our different senses (such as smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch) to form the extraordinarily rich multisensory experiences that fill our daily lives. His research focuses on how a better understanding of the human mind will lead to the better design of multisensory foods, products, packaging, interfaces, and environments in the future. His research calls for a radical new way of examining and understanding the senses that has major implications for the way in which we design everything from household products to mobile phones, and from the food we eat to the places in which we shop, work and live. His research has major implications for multisensory branding.  He is currently working on problems associated with the design of foods that maximally stimulate the senses, and with the design of multisensory branding and packaging. He has also worked extensively on the effect of the indoor environment on mood, well-being, shopping behaviour, and performance.

Charles has acted as a consultant for a number of multinational companies advising on various aspects of multisensory design, packaging, and branding over the past decade, including Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, BMW, ICI, McDonalds, Quest, Firmenich, Britvic, Neurosense, Baiersdorf, Nestle, SSL International, VF Corporation, Mars, Starbucks, Elopak, Faraday Packaging, Takasago, Reastaurant Denis Martin, and The Fat Duck restaurant.

Charles has published more than 400 articles in top-flight scientific journals. Charles has been awarded the 10th Experimental Psychology Society Prize, the British Psychology Society: Cognitive Section Award, the Paul Bertelson Award, recognizing him as the young European Cognitive Psychologist of the Year, and, most recently, the prestigious Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

Lohaspack-avajaisseminaari: Aistikas pakkaus, keskiviikko 30.11.2011, klo 8.30-15.00

Aika: keskiviikko 30.11.2011 kl0 8.30-15.00

Paikka: Design Factory, Aalto, Betonimiehenkuja 5, Espoo (Otaniemi)

Ilmoittautuminen: 23.11.2011 mennessä oheisella lomakkeella.

Seminaari on maksuton.

Alustava ohjelma (muutokset mahdollisia)

8.30 Aamukahvi

9.00 Avaus, Jari Toivo, Tekes

9.10 LOHAS-näkökulma pakkauksiin, Taru Eboreime, Tripod Research

9.40 LOHASPACK –projektin esittely, Pakkaustutkimus – PTR ja Aalto-yliopisto

10.00 Kirnuvoita ja kulmakauppatunnelmaa, Niina Hietalahti, Anton & Anton

10.20 Sapuskaa senioreille, Janne Sallinen ja Elina Rusko, VTT

10.40 Superbrändien aika on ohi – enät sitten?, Markus Keränen, 15/30 Research

11.00 Lounas ja muuta liikuntaa

11.45 Älytön pakkaus?, Mauri Reinilä, Solver

12.05 Myyvät pakkaukset itsehoitotuotteissa, Kati Murto, Verman

12.25 Palveleva pakkaus, Juha Andelin, Kesko

12.50 Kahvi

13.15 Colors unveiled, Denise Turner, Colortuners, USA

14.00 Multisensory packaging, Charles Spence, Oxford university, UK

15.00 Seminaari päättyy

Denise Turner

Charles Spence

Traveling to conferences and events

Dear all:

As you might know, the Doctor of Arts program has a small budget to be used for developing coursework, activities, as well as supporting the travel of students to events. This is a relatively new occurrence since in the past, we were not given a budget but rather dealt with items as they came along.

I have divided the budget and given some to Graphic Design and some to Photography. In the next few weeks I will make public how the funds  have been distributed.

In the meanwhile, I just want to remind you that if you want to travel abroad for a conference you need to follow these steps:

1. Rule number 1 is that you need to request the funds in writing. An A4 that contains the following information is enough: The name of the event, the dates, the location, and a URL plus a brief narrative explaining how your attendance will benefit your studies and finally, a budget.

2. The second rule is that in general, you must be presenting a paper or exhibiting your work as an artist/designer. If there is a paper or the documented results of an exhibition, such as for example an entry in an exhibition catalog, all you need to do is to forward me copies of these items.

3. Rule number 3 is that if you are given the permission and funding to attend an event in which you neither have a paper, nor you are participating in an exhibition, I need to have a report from you about the activity that describes your role in the event, and the significance of your participation for your studies.

To some of you this might seem cumbersome, however, consider that there was a time that you could only travel if you were presenting a paper. In the new system, we are trying to accommodate results such as art and media works. At the end of the day, we need to document and substantiate that the funds are being used wisely.

BR. Lily

Call for Papers: Collaboration and Community – Special Digital Creativity Journal Issue (Vol 23, No 2) in honour of Colin Beardon

Submissions deadlines: 10 Nov 2011 (abstracts), 1 Jan 2012 (full articles)

Please circulate this CfP – particularly among Colin Beardon’s colleagues, collaborators and friends.

Colin Beardon, the founder of the Digital Creativity journal, has a long and celebrated career particularly in multidisciplinary, collaborative and community-based HCI design for digital creativity across disciplines, art and theatre in particular. In creating the journal, alone, he has made a significant contribution to the community. His current activities also include chairing the Artworks Community Theatre and nature preservation in Waiheke Island, New Zealand, where he resides. Colleagues, students and collaborators know him as a friendly and wise gentleman, a far-seeing and generous mentor, and a hard-working contributor with a very special eye for the value and complexity of collaboration between art, science, technology, design and society. (More on Colin Beardon can be found at:,

With this Digital Creativity Special Issue (Vol 23, No2) Call for Papers, in honour of Colin Beardon, we solicit contributions on the theme of Collaboration and Community in digital creativity, works and applications. We are particularly interested in papers that offer case studies and critical insights on how digital communities and computer-enhanced collaboration are currently organised, what are the aesthetics and politics of the applications and the artistic works, and how we may improve upon them in future research and practice. Papers that discuss Colin Beardon’s specific contributions are particularly welcome. Possible topics for paper proposals include, but are not restricted to:

– Analyses and critiques of contemporary collaboration and community applications (leading to insights on future development)

– Methods, paradigms and applications for digital collaboration and community across disciplines

– Case studies in collaborative and/or community-building artwork, design, storytelling and drama

– Citizen activism and social environments, arenas of the discussion of common values online

The special issue Forewords/Introduction(s) will be written by the guest editors: Mika ‘Lumi’ Tuomola, Media Lab Helsinki / Aalto University School of Art and Design (Finland), and Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia).


Initial proposals should be extended abstracts in English, between 800-1200 words. The categories for final submission are Short Papers between 2500-3500 words, and Long Papers, between 5000-7000 words. The papers will be selected through a blind peer review process. Upon acceptance of the abstract, you will be sent further authors’ guidelines based on the Digital Creativity guidelines (Instructions for Authors) at

The extended abstract should include the following information: 1) Name of author(s) with email addresses and affiliation, if applicable 2) Title of the paper 3) Body of the abstract 4) Preliminary bibliography 5) Author(s)’s short bio(s) 6) Indication of whether the submission will be a short or a long paper.

Important dates:

Initial proposals (extended abstracts) deadline: November 10, 2011

Notification of acceptance (by editors’ review): November 20, 2011

Final papers are due on: January 2, 2012

Blind peer-reviews due on: February 1, 2012

Revised final papers are due on: March 1, 2012

Special issue published: Mid-2012

Recipients: Please forward your abstract as a PDF attachment in an e-mail addressed to the special issue and Digital Creativity editors, three recipients below:

Mika ‘Lumi’ Tuomola, special issue quest editor <>

Ernest Edmonds, special issue quest editor <>

Digital Creativity editors <>

MA Juhani Räisänen’s Public Defence: Sormina – A new musical instrument, November 4th, 2011, 12:00

Academic dissertation to be presented for public examination with the permission of the Research Board of the Aalto University School of Art and Design, in Sampo auditorium (Media Centre LUME), Hämeentie 135 C, on November 4th, 2011, at 12 noon.

Professor Todd Winkler
Brown University
DA Koray Tahiroğlu
Aalto University School of Art and Design



In his doctoral research, Juhani Räisänen has designed and constructed a new experimental electronic instrument. His aim has been to create a serious musical instrument that will be long-lasting, as the traditional acoustic instruments. The Sormina instrument is made of a handheld interface and computer software, which are connected wirelessly. The design is reflected in media art, contemporary music, and instrument building.

Räisänen has a long career in many fields of art. He started in theater, continued to be a musician, and is now interested in the possibilities of sound and video art. From 2006, Räisänen has performed with the Sormina instrument, both in Finland and abroad.Sound art made with the instrument has been published as part of the CD series Muu for Ears. In September 2011 Räisänen has his own exhibition in the MUU gallery in Helsinki, where he showed video art made with Sormina.

See also: