Submit now! 2017 Prix Ars Electronica


2017 Prix Ars Electronica
Entries for the world’s most time-honored media arts competition are now being accepted!
Submit now!

The 2017 Prix Ars Electronica will honor excellence in the following categories: Animation/Film/VFX, Digital Musics & Sound Art, Hybrid Art and u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD.

Winners receive the coveted Golden Nica statuette, prize money of up to €10,000 per category, and a prominent appearance at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (September 7-11, 2017).

Information about entering as well as nominating artistic projects is available at! Submssion deadline is March 3, 2017. Participation is free of charge.

WANTED: Female Media Artists! Annually since 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica has issued a worldwide open call to men and women working in media art. But what about the percentages of female media artists who have submitted projects for prize consideration and been singled out for recognition? How have these ratios developed over the competition’s 30-year history? And for that matter, how well have women been represented on Prix juries over this time? The Prix Ars Electronica staff has taken a close-up look at this situation. You can read about their findings in the latest our Ars Electronica Blog.

We look forward to your submission and wish you every success!

The Ars Electronica Staff

Call for presentations for the 1st International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts, and Education

The 1st International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts, and Education brings together researchers, students, and members of the disability and crip art communities who share an interest in, or whose work addresses, the intersections and interplay between critical disability studies, arts, and education. The scope of the conference comprises all art forms, as well as different contexts of education, such as primary education, artist education, and public pedagogy. The conference is co-hosted by Aalto University and the University of Kansas.

Deadline for the call for presentations ends by the end of February 28th, 2017:

Please, send your proposal to the following email address:

Important days:

·      Deadline for proposals: February 28, 2017

·      Acceptance letters received by April 15, 2017.

·      Registrations and final commitments to present (presenters): August 1, 2017.

·      Registration to attend: September 1, 2017 (non-presenters).

Mira Kallio-Tavin

Mikko Koivisto

Doctoral Seminar Day in Photography Thu 19 Jan 2017


Welcome to the first session this spring of Doctoral Seminar in Photography.

Torstai 19.1.2017 klo 9:30–16:00:

Pauliina Pasasen teemapäivä valokuvakoulutuksesta

Professori Merja Salo
Arabian kampus
Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki
9. krs, valokuvauksen tilat

9.30 -10.30 Pauliina Pasanen, Oma väitöstutkimus: Oppiminen dokumentaarisissa valokuvaustyöpajoissa. Alustavia nostoja aineistosta viitekirjallisuuden valossa.
10.30-11.00 Teija Löytönen: Näkökulma taidekorkeakoulujen pedagogiikan tutkimukseen.
11.00-11.30 Seppo Kumpulainen(TEAK): Taideyliopisto-opetuksen monet muodot suhteessa yhteiskunnan muutoksiin.
11.30-12.00 Leena Saraste: Dokumentaarisen valokuvan paikka suomalaisessa valokuvakoulutuksessa.

Lounas 12-13

13-13.30 Susanna Helke: Dokumentaari, poliittinen?
13.30-14 Sanni Seppo: Dokumentaarisen valokuvan poliittisuus ja metsän harhakuva.
14-14.30 Kari Kuukka: “Kun kuva alkaa liikkua…” Visuaalista tarinankerrontaa valokuvan ja videon keinoin.
14.30-15.30 Paneelikeskustelu:
“Maailma, välineet ja opiskelijat muuttuu, miksi ja miten opettaa dokumenttivalokuvausta?”
Sanni Seppo, Hanna Weselius, Kari Kuukka, Maria Gallen-Kallela, Simo Karisalo, Hannamari Shakya
15.30-15.40 Seminaarin lopetus



Akseli Valmunen The Young Nordic Photographer of The Year 2016

Aalto-yliopiston Median laitoksella valokuvataiteen maisteriohjelmassa opiskeleva Akseli Valmunen on saanut vuoden parhaan nuoren pohjoismaisen valokuvaajan palkinnon eli Fotografiskan palkinnon. Hänen näyttelynsä nähdään Tukholmassa vuonna 2017.

Viime vuonna saman palkinnon voitti myöskin Aalto-yliopiston valokuvataiteen opiskelija Aapo Huhta.

Master Student in Photography Akseli Valmunen from Aalto University’s Department of Media has won the price for The Young Nordic Photographer of The Year 2016. He’s solo exhibition will be seen at Fotografiska in Stockholm during 2017.

Last year the award was given to an Aalto Photography Student as well, Aapo Huhta being the winner.

See more:

Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish)

Fotografiska (English, also in Swedish)

Photograph of Akseli Valmunen: Fotografiska

Methods Festival 2017

Metodifestivaali 30.-31.5.2017

Viides suomalainen Metodifestivaali järjestetään Jyväskylän yliopistossa 30.-31.5.2017 ( Festivaali kokoaa yhteen eri alojen asiantuntijoita keskustelemaan ajankohtaisista tutkijan taitoihin ja tutkimusmetodeihin liittyvistä kysymyksistä ja teemoista. Festivaali on suunnattu tohtoriopiskelijoille, tutkijoille ja opettajille. Festivaalin esiintyjinä on tunnettuja suomalaisia ja ulkomaisia asiantuntijoita. Ohjelma sisältää sessioita ja tietoiskuja muun muassa seuraavista teemoista: 

• tutkimusaineistojen hallinta, anonymisointi ja pseudonymisointi

• monitasomenetelmät

• visuaaliset menetelmät

• urasuunnittelu ja työelämätaidot

• tutkimusasetelmat pedagogisessa tutkimuksessa

• artikkeliväitöskirjan johdanto-osan kirjoittaminen 

Metodifestivaalin osallistumismaksu on 90 € (yksi päivä 60 €). Ilmoittautuminen ei ole vielä alkanut, mutta metodifestivaalin ohjelmatietoja ja käytännön seikkoja päivitetään tapahtuman sivuille osoitteessa


Methods Festival 2017

The next Festival will be arranged on 30 – 31 May 2017 in Jyväskylä ( The Methods Festival has established itself as an important and vibrant forum for both junior and senior researchers in human sciences from the whole country. In the Festival quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods are discussed in lectures, workshops and training sessions. As speakers the Festival invites international and domestic experts in their respective fields. The programme includes sessions for example of the following topics:

• research data management, anonymization and pseudonymisation

• multilevel modelling

• visual methods

• career planning and working life skills

• research settings in pedagogical research

• how to write a good introductory section to an article based PhD

The registration fee for the Methods Festival is 90€ (only one day 60 €). The registration hasn’t started yet but information on the programme and practical matters will be updated to

CFP: BILBAO 2017, International Conference on Art and Technology

Call for Papers

International Conference on Art and Technology
11th and 12th of May, 2017

Artists, technologists, engineers, THIS CALL IS FOR YOU !! If you’re creating in the most innovative disciplines such as Human Computer Interaction, Wearable Tech, Big Data Art, Robotic Art, Interactive Architecture, IoT, Mobile Art, and any artistic discipline in which the technology is the protagonist of any of the creation processes, you have the opportunity of become in speaker in the new edition of the International Conference on Art and Technology that will be held in Bilbao (Spain) on 11th and 12th of May 2017.

Download the template and send as your abstract by email to before December 30th, and show your projects and artworks in a professional network related tyo the fusion between art and technology. We will select 13 speakers to present their works in Technarte 2017 in Bilbao.

If your paper is selected to be part of the Programme of Technarte, you will be invited to attend to the full 2 conference days. In addition, the organisation will provide you 3 nights hotel accommodation.

You will enjoy a unique and inspiring networking days with international artists and professionals form artistic and technological world. An event in which new ideas and innovative projects arise.


Media Lab DA seminar 8.12.

Welcome to Media Lab DA seminar Thu 8.12. from 17–19.
Location: Miestentie 3 (Otaniemi), 4th floor, room 429.

Presentation and debate by Jelena Rosic:

A neurophenomenological approach to narrative interaction

“Enactive Storytelling is a research on intersubjective sharing of experiences in interactive digital media conducted within Aalto’s research groups Crucible Studio and NeuroCine.

In my research, I study narrative as a mode of interaction, understood as embodied and situated enaction with the world and others. Enaction refers to the enabling of meaning-making through participation and intersubjectively shared experience.

In order to create an integrative conceptual and practical model of interactive narrative, I adapt embodied mind approach from enactive cognitive sciences and introduce multilevel perspective of neurophenomenology to the study of narrative practice. With the neurophenomenological program, the study of consciousness that integrates experimental methods of neuroscience with phenomenological methods, I discuss the neural basis of narratives and their correlation with experiential phenomena. Combining both research-based and practice-based methods, I further follow neurophenomenological “2nd person” methods that seek to offer multi-level description between the phenomenological data (1st person), collected in a 2nd person interview, that can be correlated with 3rd person data (behavioral response, neuroimaging, electroencephalography…)

This much needed dialog between 1st and 3rd person perspectives and methods on social, emphatic and intersubjective understanding and sharing, provides me a kind of 2nd person perspective to enact also from a point of view of my own artistic practice – film editing – into a conceptual framework. In particular, this proposed framework cuts across a range of issues in the interactive narrative technologies and questions concerned with computable narrative models, user interaction and experience, as well as authoring of interactive systems.

In my talk, I will also discuss most recent insights from the Predictive Processing workshop (Neuroaesthetics and Neurocultures, University of Amsterdam) and from my participation in the interactive storytelling industry events – Immersive Network Summit and IDFA DocLab Academy.”

Rosic_by_PhilippeVogelenzang_originalJelena Rosic (MA) graduated from the Netherlands Film Academy (Artistic Research in Film) and from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade (Film Editing). During her previous studies, she has been researching the topics concerned with film as mediated form of intersubjectivity and has been affiliated with NeuroCine, Aalto (Rosic J. & Tikka P. 2013. Annotation of film content for a neurocinematic analysis: Implications for embodied approaches to filmmaking) and Neuroaesthetics of Film, University of Amsterdam. Her recent editing work, a feature film Humidity, premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale 2016).



Followed by presentation by our guest Timo Honkela, University of Helsinki:


Invention of linguistic communication, symbolic representation, writing and printing have been important steps in human cultural evolution. Computers and networks have have enabled further developments. During the past fifty years human knowledge and skills have progressed increasingly with the help of computers. The knowledge and skills of digital systems have been usually limited by the knowledge and imagination of humans. There are exceptions to this and they are increasing because of the use of machine learning, evolutionary algorithms and other adaptive systems, growing amount of open data, and computational resources becoming close to human capacities. Clear risks related to these developments. For instance, large proportion of professions will be taken over by computers and robots. This is, however, a limited problem if the development leads into improved understanding of our societies and decision making, improved mutual understanding, and better use of resources. This kind of cultural evolution can lead into very beneficial developments. We can discuss what kind of design-in-the-large is needed to reach such a positive track.

12718153_10153381535739117_2439244270582731827_nIt may be fair to say that professor Timo Honkela has unusually wide scientific and work experience. He has served as a professor earlier in the University of Art and Design Helsinki, Media Lab and Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information and Computer Science and currently at the University of Helsinki, Department of Modern Languages. Honkela’s research and development work has covered since 1980s areas such as natural language processing, artificial neural networks, participatory media art, visual information retrieval, text mining, socio-cognitive modeling, and analysis of complex societal phenomena.

Guest lecture at Media Lab DA seminar: Timo Honkela

We will end the session with a small Pikkujoulu gathering with christmassy refreshments and an open discussions.


CFP: Awkward Objects: The Bounds of the Body in Early Modern Culture

Call for Papers

Awkward Objects:
The Bounds of the Body in Early Modern Culture

20–21 April, 2017
Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture – Helsinki

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jill Burke (The University of Edinburgh)

Call for Papers:

Certain objects, through their intimate interaction with the human body, invite embarrassment, discomfort or even disgust in the beholder. From the merkin, to the pessary, from anatomical figurines to thumbscrews, these objects hover on the margins of art and visual culture, and bridge the gap between the everyday and the uncanny. This conference, from 20-21 April at Aalto University, will be a forum for researchers from throughout Europe who investigate uncanny objects in the Early Modern world. We invite papers on objects whose relationship with the human body has led them to be overlooked, marginalised or completely avoided in previous scholarship. The conference aims to investigate the extraordinary potential of the mundane, question the boundaries of art history and material culture, and examine the relationship between body, object, and art.

We welcome papers from researchers of any background, including art history, visual/material culture, history, and archaeology. Innovative approaches are particularly encouraged. Researchers are invited to examine objects that have previously been ignored in the historical scholarship, so suggested topics include, but are not limited to: undergarments; torture devices; codpieces; pessaries; wigs; condoms; dildos; prosthetics; surgical, mortuary, and dental implements from anywhere in the world (time period 1400-1700).

Limited travel expenses may be reimbursed (to be confirmed).

Please submit proposal of up to 250 words and a short biography to
Dr. Jackie Spicer ( by no later than 13 January, 2017.

For additional information, please contact:

Dr. Jacqueline Spicer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Aalto University – School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Art

Phone: Tel. 050 4682664