4th Conference on Arts-based Research and Artistic Research 28.-30.6

4th Conference on Arts-based Research and Artistic Research

June 28-30, 2016, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

The themes of previous conferences range from intersections between arts and research to addressing what is considered artistic or arts-based research. The gatherings have helped develop vocabulary and concepts of arts-based and artistic research for researchers and students from all over the globe, and created a community of scholars interested in artistic or arts-based research and writing.

The theme of the 4th conference is:

 Rethinking arts-based and artistic research,

and global/local communities

Conference presenters and participants will engage with the question, “What is the relationship between arts-based and artistic research and communities?”  Topics may include arts-based and artistic research, and

  •   Diasporic movements and nation states or non-nation-states
  •   Belonging/not belonging to communities
  •   Voluntary or forced minority status
  •   Entrepreneurship, tourist industry, and local communities
  •   Diversified communities of scholarship

Website and proposal submission: taide.aalto.fi/arts-based

For more information, contact Dr. Kevin Tavin kevin.tavin@aalto.fi or

Dr. Anniina Suominen  anniina.suominen@aalto.fi


CALL FOR PAPERS ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)


ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)

Special Issue on End User Development 
for the Internet of Things 


Special Issue Editors
Panos Markopoulos (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Jeffrey Nichols (Google)
Fabio Paternò (CNR-ISTI)
Volkmar Pipek (University of Siegen)

Deadline for Submissions: March 22, 2016

The advent of massively interconnected objects, devices, and sensors — commonly referred to as the Internet of Things — raises equally massive challenges regarding the interfaces that will allow end-users to manage the complexity of such systems and to exploit the opportunities such technologies open up. 

A promising approach, known as End-User Development, empowers end users to define and tailor the functions of their systems in order to satisfy their personal, local, and often task-specific needs. In the context of the Internet of Things, and the diverse tools and methodologies now available to support the design of interactive systems, the field of End-User Development finds itself at a critical juncture of growth and wide impact, as the need to support personal, context specific, and emergent needs largely exceeds what is known from more conventional interactive systems.

This special issue will publish compelling papers exploring metaphors, interfaces, and development strategies for supporting users in customization and personalization of the Internet of Things. Contributions may take the form of studies, methodologies, or system implementations that explore context-dependent or application-specific behaviors of networked objects. Likewise, contributions that reflect on or take issue with the appropriateness of End-User Development as a strategy to face these challenges are welcome.

Possible topics include: 

The key topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Empowerment of end-users to understand, configure, personalize, and control Internet of Things applications
  • Design methods and approaches for end-users specific to the Internet of Things
  • Domain specific tools, architectures, and authoring environments for supporting end-user development
  • Contextual factors promoting end-user development practices
  • Social computing approaches for end-user development of Internet of Things ecologies
  • Novel methodologies for evaluating emerging end-user interactions with the Internet of Things

Submit to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tochi 

Author Guidelines: http://tochi.acm.org/authors 

Special Issue Timeline:

  • Submission due: March 22, 2016 (Earlier submissions are encouraged.)
  • Reviews due: April 30, 2016
  • Notification to authors: May 15, 2016
  • Revised version due: July 15, 2016
  • Special issue published: Late 2016

For the complete Call-for-Papers visit: http://tochi.acm.org/end-user-development-for-the-internet-of-things/

CONTACT: Contact the special issue editors at eud-for-iot@TOCHI.acm.org with any questions.

14.1.2016 1-2 pm Media Lab visiting researcher CHIA-MING CHANG: A Practice-based Research ‘Talk2Me’

14.1.2016 1-2 pm Room 117 Miestentie 3 

Media Lab visiting researcher


A Practice-based Research ‘Talk2Me’: Influences of New Media Communication on the Deaf/Hard of Hearing as reflected in Interaction Design

New media communication has been given increased prevalence in recent years and brought new forms of communication and technologies to our daily lives, such as SNS and communication apps. It has opened new communication opportunities. On the other hand, there is a communication gap between deaf/hard of hearing and hearing people. Are the new media communication technologies able to bridge the communication gap? Part of this study investigates the new media communication technologies (SNS and communication apps) as used by deaf/hard of hearing people and discusses the new communication opportunities offered by SNS and communication apps. It shows that SNS and communication apps are able to reduce the communication gap between deaf/hard of hearing and hearing people. However, it also shows there is still a communication gap in face-to-face communication. This study is a practice-based research that aims to address the face-to-face communication gap through a creative practice of interaction design. The interaction design was conducted through a user-centred design (UCD) approach with 27 interviews. The result has contributed new knowledge as a communication solution, which is a smartphone app ‘Talk2Me’ that can be used to assist face-to-face communication between deaf/hard of hearing and hearing people.

Audiences can expect to know three things through this lecture:

  • What is a practice-based research (in the case of interaction design)
  • How the new media communication technologies (SNS and communication apps) open new communication opportunities
  • A novel communication solution for deaf/hard of hearing people developed from design perspective


Chia-Ming Chang is an interaction designer and researcher. Currently he is a visiting researcher in Media Lab Helsinki at Aalto University and a scholarship-awarded PhD candidate at Nottingham Trent University in the UK. His PhD research ‘Talk2Me’ has won the A’ Design Award & Competition 2015 and been shortlisted in the IxDA Interaction Awards 2015 and iF Student Design Award 2015. This research was also awarded the UK Santander Mobility Scholarship to be presented in the 4th International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology & Design in Dubai and published in the Online Journal of Art and Design. Chang has been creating various design works since he obtained his MA in Interactive Media from University of the Arts London in 2006 and BA in Visual Communication Design from National Taiwan University of Arts in 2002. His current research looks at an innovative integration of smartphone GUI and NUI in the project of ‘GRAFT’.


Media Lab Demo Day 15.12.2015

Media Lab Christmas Demo Day 15.12.2015 


DemoDay15.12.15_1000px-12DADA  – The Media Lab Student Association


Redesign of Society – Livelihood Group


Sanna Marttila: Making Culture Commons: the MixITup! Open culture exhibition and Hack4Fi Hackathon


Pouyan Mohseninia: Rejection Mining

DemoDay15.12.15_1000px-56Testing the Darkroom Mansion- game

DemoDay15.12.15_1000px-38Kari-Hans Kommonen: Redesign of Society minor subject


A better discourse with Facebook Habermas TM



Shareef Askar & Siying Huang presenting Cosmicamente – Project of course Interactive Cinema


FEED / BACK – Experiments for the New Food Culture



Tuomas Ahva: Padworks



Archiving the New Media key notes online

A selection on the key notes from the Archiving the New Media – Media Lab DA seminar 23-25.11.2015 @ Media Factory is now up on the Aalto Youtube channel.


Jukka Savolainen: “Digital Futures – Curating Our Digital Future”


Minna Tarkka: “Online archives, metadata and user experience”


Perttu Rastas: “Archive new media now, not when it’s obsolete!”


Raitis Smits: “Data Drift – Mapping the Digital Archives”


Publishing of the Thesis Design book by Marja Seliger

29th of October 2015 at Aalto ARTS Books new bookstore Hämeentie 135 A

Seliger, Marja &  Hahn, Young-ae: Thesis Design. Research Meets Practice in Art and Design Master’s Theses 

thesis_design_julkkarit__Marja2_29.10.15-1Professor Marja Seliger

The aim of a Master’s thesis is to demonstrate a candidate’s proficiency, knowledge and skills learned in the field of study. In art and design universities the skills have traditionally meant design expertise, artistic excellence and uniqueness demonstrated through an artwork or a design product. Today also research skills are required and an ability to verbalize and conceptualize design processes and artistic outcomes, their societal and art-philosophical connections.

This book exemplifies three types of Master’s theses – theoretical, artistic and production-based theses – and their various epistemologies, strategies of inquiry and methodologies. The categories are based on a literature review and a survey of recently published Master’s theses at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

The book is aimed especially for Master’s students to help them in designing and defining a thesis topic and a research approach in the fields of art, design and architecture to help them defining a thesis topic and selecting the research approach. The publication offers examples of how research meets art and design practices in Master’s education, promoting new approaches to design fields and research.

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Thesis Design in Aalto ARTS Books:  https://shop.aalto.fi/p/831-thesis-design/

Photographs (c) Helinä Kuusela

DOM Doctor of Arts seminar Thu 3 Dec 2015

DOM Doctor of Arts seminar

on Thursday  3 December 2015 at 15 – 19.15  in Miestentie 3, room 430

15.00-17.00 Heidi Uppa: Food as a Media: Design experiments to develop food understanding and experiences (in Finland and Russia)
17:00 – 17:45  Marikki Hakola: Semeion. Virtual Action Space and Cinematic Interaction.
17:45 – 18:30  Tania Rodriguez-Kaarto: Fostering Agency in Second Language Learning: Designing the Finnish case
18:30 – 19:15  Ferhat Sen: Designing Digital Applications For Cultural Heritage

15.00 – 17.00 Heidi Uppa (graphic design research) begins presenting conference papers written for her DA research “Food as a Media: Design experiments to develop food understanding and experiences (in Finland and Russia). Heidi brings up an important question to discuss: Whether to write a monograph or an article dissertation?

17:00 – 17:45  Marikki Hakola: Semeion. Virtual Action Space and Cinematic Interaction.

I am carrying out my postgraduate studies at the Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Media aiming at the doctoral dissertation. The title of my research is “Semeion. Virtual Action Space and Cinematic Interaction.” My doctoral thesis will include a monograph dissertation and a series of four media art works. My job description as a media artist of the four works includes concept design, script writing, film directing and film editing.

The framework for the theoretical study is media semiotics and pragmatism. Questions of consciousness and experience are essential motives of the study. The main goal is to develop a usable theoretical foundation for the concepts and practical models of the cinematic interaction in a virtual action space. The interest is in various forms of film montage and cinematic structure, and their constructive role in expressing and processing cinematic signs, meaning and interpretation.

The main goal of my research is to further develop the theory of interactive cinematic experience and to build up a common foundation for the theory and practical applications. The objective is to identify and test the usable models and methods of interactive experience design, as well as to highlight the developed models that hopefully will help in more broadly both future professional designers and students on the field of cinematic interactive design.

17:45 – 18:30  Tania Rodriguez-Kaarto: Fostering Agency in Second Language Learning: Designing the Finnish case

A deeper understanding of cultural knowledge and the learner agency are crucial for mid-level second language (L2) learners, to better their social and job competency, with continuing and independent study beyond the basic training. In Finland, however, such an advanced level of language training and supports are not provided, and many learners are stuck in the plateau stage.

This paper integrates the authors’ findings from the literature review, a student workshop, and an expert (teacher) panel, to identify the mid-level Finnish learners’ areas of weaknesses and their overcoming strategies. To resolve their unmet needs, the authors propose a set of L2 learning principles based on van Lier’s ecological approach, and recommended features for future learning systems. Following the principles, a system is envisioned to provide activity based curricula with personalized, multi-sensory materials and collaborative activities. The four learning modules (observation, writing, speech-interaction, and reading) and a vocabulary-phrase bank support posting and sharing data from the real world, to facilitate interactions between learners, teachers and Finnish citizens.

18:30 – 19:15  Ferhat Sen: Designing Digital Applications For Cultural Heritage

The advance in computer and information technology has opened up new ways for utilization of culturally and historically valuable materials. The massive digitization of cultural heritage elements is followed by the research on how to make those digital materials accessible and more usable. The results have shown examples of a wide range starting from online museums and digital libraries to onsite interactive installations.
Digitization alone seems adequate for preservation purposes. Whereas utilizing the digitized materials for user experience and making those artifacts engaging, useful, usable, or educative requires some research and development practice. This research and development practice involves various disciplines, such as art history, archaeology, interaction design and computer science.

Within the design and cultural heritage context, this research will be addressing the following questions:

  • How to design interactive digital cultural heritage artifacts by considering the specific qualities of the original artifact.
  • How can a cultural artifact itself be an input for the design of its digital version. What insights can a cultural artifact offer for the interface and interaction design of its digital representation.
  • What is the role and contribution of interface and interaction design for creating digital representations of cultural heritage in relation to interpretation, knowledge creation and dissemination.The main hypothesis is that the cultural artifact itself should inform and/or inspire the design of its digital application. This research focuses on the relationship between the original artefact and the design of its digital counterpart. A number of case studies will be presented covering the design and the development of user-centered digital applications for cultural heritage elements by using participatory and collaborative design approaches and artifact analysis methods.In this research, the contribution to knowledge will be demonstrated through creative outcomes in the form of designs, digital products and a written dissertation. I intend to create new knowledge about the theory, the design and the development of digital interactive online and onsite applications that are representations of cultural heritage artifacts. This will be achieved through a number of productions that are practical applications of the framework and the concepts discussed in the dissertation.

Archiving the new media 23-25 Nov 2015

Maximum obsolescence or digital permanence?


Media Lab doctor of arts seminar

23-25 November 2015, Aalto Media Factory, Hämeentie 135, 00560 Helsinki

The seminar is open to Doctor of Arts and advanced Master of Arts students at Aalto University. Please sign up by 16th Nov 2015.
Prof. Lily Diaz


Keynote speakers

Raitis Smits Artist, curator and researcher on new media culture and networked arts, founder of E-Lab – electronic arts laboratory and RIXC – artist collective and new media cultural center in Riga

Jukka Savolainen, Director of Design Museum Helsinki

Perttu Rastas: “Archive media now, not when it’s obsolete!”

Founder of AV-arkki, the Distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art, Senior Planning Officer in the Collections Department, Finnish National Gallery

Ora Lassila , Semantic Web expert, technology architect at Pegasystems

Minna Tarkka, researcher, producer, critic and educator of media arts and design, director and co-founder of m-cult co-founded m-cult, centre for new media culture in Helsinki

Raimo Lång, Yleisradio

Head of Content Developement and Skills Training


Raimo is in charge of program/concept developement in TV, radio, web and transmedia. Additionally he leads the developement of professional training in feature journalism, docs, reality, drama and transmedia creation.

Summary of topic

To archive means to set aside for preservation and an archive is a storage site where materials deemed worthy of remembrance are kept. The objective of this seminar/workshop is to examine major points related to the preservation of new media art and practices. We will focus on the phenomenon of maximum obsolescence that currently permeates the new media and our digital world with the objective to investigate the possibility of digital permanence.

Ours could be labelled as the era of the “new-new”. Constant and relentless change has become a way of life. A non-stop stream of new artefacts rapidly supersedes the cultural matter created within one generation. In this context, our objective during the three days of the seminar/workshop will be to ponder about this current state of existence in our Information Society.

Among the topics we would like to focus, from a new media perspective that includes both the technical and the theoretical are: What is change? How does it affect our own practices as cultural producers? Is change now a permanent condition of being in our digital culture? What drives it? Are there proactive ways – or strategies that could be devised – which could lead us to some kind of digital permanence? How does this continuous change affect both the creation of new media art and design works as well as their collection? How does this in turn affect our cultural memory?


Methods of work

We will have keynote presentations as well as work time in groups. In order to participate, you need to bring a project or aspects of a topic that you will present and work with during the three days.

Learning outcomes

Participants will identify key landmarks and strategies that enable them to create their own Map for Change that they can continue to develop for their own practices.


The seminar is open to Doctor of Arts and advanced Master of Arts students at Aalto University. Please send a 300 word abstract of your project or topic with your contact information and coordinates to Helinä Kuusela (helina.kuusela@aalto.fi) no later than 19th Nov 2015.


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