Monthly Archives: November 2013

Väitöstilaisuus: VTM Mia Muurimäki: Nykytaiteen politiikka museokontekstissa. Torstaina 12.12.2013 klo 12.00, ls. 822

VTM Mia Muurimäki esittää tarkastettavaksi väitöskirjansa Nykytaiteen politiikka museokontekstissa, Aalto ARTS, torstaina 12.12.2013 klo 12.oo, luentosali 822.
Vastaväittäjinä toimivat professori  Raine Koskimaa Jyväskylän yliopistosta ja dosentti, YTT Sari Karttunen Kulttuuripoliittisen tutkimuksen edistämissäätiö Cuporesta. Kustoksena toimii professori  Lily Diaz.

Tutkimus käsittelee nykytaidekokemuksen poliittisuutta julkisrahoitteisessa museossa. Tapahtumapaikkana on Valtion taidemuseon Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma ja sen kolme vuosina 2007 ja 2011 pidettyä näyttelyä. Lähtöajatuksena oli, että nykytaiteen poliittisuus ei ole taideobjektien pysyvä ominaisuus vaan niiden kokemisen ulottuvuus. Ääneenajattelumenetelmän ja teemahaastattelujen avulla pyrittiin mahdollisimman lähelle katsojan kokemusta.

Aineiston lähiluvun jälkeen tutkimuksessa tartuttiin Chantal Mouffen, Jacques Rancièren ja Niklas Luhmannin politiikan teorioihin, joiden avulla ihmisten puhumasta aineistosta tuotettiin monikerroksinen kuvaus nykytaiteen poliittisuudesta. Tuloksena syntyi politiikan malli, jolla on yhtäläisyyksiä Bruno Latourin ajatteluun. Mallia hyödyntäen arvioitiin erilaisia museomaailman yleisöjen osallistamiseen ja digitaalistumisprosessiehin liittyviä konsepteja. Tavoitteena oli löytää parhaita keinoja demokraattisen kansalaisyhteiskunnan turvaamiseen ja samalla museoinstituution yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden parantamiseen.

Digijulkaisemisen uusia tuulia. Seminaari Aalto ARTSissa (Hämeentie 135C) 10.12.2013 klo 13–16

Digijulkaisemisen uusia tuulia. Seminaari Aalto ARTSissa (Hämeentie 135C) 10.12.2013 klo 13–16.

Ilmaisessa TOIMI-seminaarissa pureudutaan digitaalisen julkaisemisen uusiin mahdollisuuksiin, sosiaalisen median hyödyntämiseen ja mallilukijamatriisiin sisällön kehittämisen välineenä.

• 13.00–13.15 TOIMI-hankkeen esittely, Merja Helle, Aalto ARTS
• 13.15–14.00 Digitaalisen julkaisemisen uusia tuulia,
Harri Heikkilä, Aalto ARTS
• 14.00–14.15 Kahvi
• 14.15–15.00 Mallilukija eri julkaisualustoilla, Merja Helle, Aalto ARTS, Hanna Myyrä, ESS ja Erkki Hujanen, Kaleva
• 15.00–15.45 Miten printtimedia voi hyödyntää sosiaalista
mediaa? Maria Ruuska, Aalto ARTS ja Julia Thurén, A-lehdet
• 15.45–16.00 Mediakonseptien uudistamisen koulutus alkaa, Merja Helle
TOIMI-hankkeessa ovat tänä vuonna mukana Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Kaleva ja Tekniikan Maailma. Se on Journalistiliiton ja Viestinnän Keskusliiton yhteishanke, jota TEKES rahoittaa. TOIMIn tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa ja toimintamalleja media-alalle. Hanketta vetää tutkimuspäällikkö, FT Merja Helle Aalto-yliopistosta. Vuonna 2014 mukaan otetaan uusia mediaorganisaatioita Mediakonseptien kehittämiskoulutukseen.
Pyydämme ilmoittautumaan seminaariin sähköpostitse kahvitarjoilua varten 5. joulukuuta mennessä.

CFP “Cinema and the Body” for the International Journal of Cinema

Dear Colleague,

As the invited guest editors for the International Journal of Cinema we would personally like to draw your attention to the call for multidisciplinary papers on Cinema and the Body.

Cinema and the Body

The editors welcome a broad range of essays in the following areas:

• The brain in films and films in the brain: scientific representations of the body and neurocinematics
• Practice-based research of the cinematic body from the point of view of performer and/or author
• New technologies for portraying the body in cinema (e.g., virtual avatars)
• The body as an interface to cinema (e.g. enactive cinema)
• The bodily representation of gender, race, and the physically challenged in cinema
• The body and performativity: the body as image and sound in cinema, body movement and kinesics

Submission date: Jan 15, 2014

Dr. Kaisu Koski is an artist-researcher who has expertise revolving around performativity and cinema, and scientific-medical representations of the body through moving image. Furthermore, she promotes cinema as a research method, arts-based means comparable, but significantly different from, anthropological/ethnographic film. In such a research context the ethical issues and the questions about raw data versus artistic dramatization of it, for instance, become important. Other interesting issues in her practice  are the artist-researcher’s own body in the image vs. the research participant’s body, and the qualities in the onscreen performance.

Dr. Pia Tikka is a director-cinematographer with expertise in neurocinematics, a novel paradigm of neuroscience that studies human cognition by the means of functional neuroimaging. Within this framework she has special interest in unraveling the brain basis of the filmmakers’ expertise. Tikka’s concept “enactive cinema” (2008) together with the embodied mind approach (Varela et al. 1991), further suggests opening up the discussion to the domain of the implicit emotion-driven interaction loop between the viewer-participant’s psychophysiological response and the cinematic narrative.

For further inquiries, please, contact Rita Capucho or Cláudia Ferreira at

Looking forward to receiving your proposal.

Dr. Kaisu Koski
Dr. Pia Tikka

Pia Tikka
Dr. Researcher, Filmmaker
aivoAALTO research project
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
– Dept. of Film, Television and Scenography
Finland mobile phone  +358 50 347 7432

PhD course before Photomedia Helsinki with Paul Frosh Photographic Powers: What is the Role of Images? Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dear all,

please find attached a call for abstracts for a PhD course to be held March 25 in Helsinki right before the Helsinki Photomedia research conference (

The PhD course is titled “Photographic Powers: What is the Role of Images?” and provides doctoral students a venue to discuss their work in progress with a variety of scholars who work on questions concerning photography.

The deadline for 300 -word abstracts is January 5, 2014. The abstracts should be sent to

For more information, please see the attached pdf-file.

The doctoral course is organized by the Nordic Network for Digital Visuality (NNDV) (, the University of Tampere School of Communication, Media and Theatre (CMT) (, and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Media (


Erling Björgvinsson: Co-designing DIY Film Distribution and Funding – Nasty Old People case, Friday, 8.11.2013, Room 541

Media Lab – MA/DA program in New Media invites to

Co-designing DIY Film Distribution and Funding – Nasty Old People case
Erling Björgvinsson
Friday 8.11 / 12:00 Room 541

On 10 October 2009 the independently financed film Nasty Old People became the first feature film to be distributed for free under a Creative Commons license through the P2P file-sharing service The Pirate Bay. In conjunction with the release a viral marketing strategy and donation campaign was launched. The launch, the campaign and the donation came about because of a collaboration between Tangram film, The Pirate Bay and university researchers and students. Within the span of five days the film had been downloaded 14 000 times, translated into thirteen languages by volunteers, raised 50 000 SEK, blogged about around the western world, and a few weeks later covered in established media channels. The media exposure at The Pirate Bay and in the blogosphere lead to screening at small theaters across Europe. A year later the Swedish public service television (SVT) aired it, which together with the donation lead to that a bank loan of 100 000 Swedish kronor could be paid.

In the talk I will discuss and critically debate media infrastructuring (Karasti 2010, Star 1996) of new publics and arenas for everyday politics where sociomaterial values are negotiated and are tried out. The issue will be addressed in relation to three experiments conducted within a research led new media research milieu that has explored how experiments on future practices can be conducted as an on-going collaborative infrastructuring process where prototypical communication practices enabled by new media are tried out.

You are welcome to bring your lunch with you to the session 🙂


Erling Björgvinsson (PhD) is an assistant professor at the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University. He has managed a lab that focused on collaborative cultural production through design-lead and art-lead research where academics, professionals, and citizens co-produce – productions that at times address cultural commons. His research area is in design and art methodology and specifically on collabora­tive and participatory design-lead research.