Deadline May 26: €10 000 per city situated/related product/production/art-work – and other DIMEKE news

Kevään ja elämän kunniaksi Dimeke suuntaa hankerahaa yrityksille!

Dimeke järjestää tänä keväänä vielä yhden tuotekehityskilpailun, jossa hankinnan kohteena ovat kaupungeista kertovat, tarinalliset ja visuaaliset digitaaliset tuotteet tai teokset. Kilpailulla Dimeke osallistuu Oulussa Väriä!OULU -kampanjaan ja Helsingissä Helsinki Design pääkaupunki 2012 –vuoteen. Kaupunkikohteena voi olla myös jokin muu kuin Oulu tai Helsinki.

Kilpailussa on jaossa rahaa max 10 000 euroa/projekti ja rahoitusta myönnetään viidelle projektille. Kilpailuehdotusten jättöaika on 28.4. – 26.5.2011 ja projektit tulee toteuttaa vuoden 2012 maaliskuuhun mennessä. Ennakkoinfo löytyy Dimeken sivustolta osoitteesta Kilpailun tarkat ohjeet julkistetaan Oulu näyttämönä –tilaisuudessa 28.4. ja samana päivänä Dimeken nettisivuilla.

Oulussa kilpailun tiimoilta järjestetään huhtikuussa kaksi tilaisuutta:

City Sets – Kaupunki näyttämönä –koulutustyöpaja 27.4. Työpajan kouluttajina ovat Aalto-yliopiston kerronnan tutkimusryhmä Crucible Studion johtaja Mika ’Lumi’ Tuomola ja Median laitoksen vanhempi tutkija Marja Seliger. He esittelevät kehittämänsä menetelmän tuottaa ja esittää digitaalisia, visuaalisia kaupunkitarinoita. Koulutuksessa esitellään esimerkkejä kaupunkiteoksista maailmalta ja Aalto-yliopiston Median laitokselta. Työpajan osallistumismaksu on 30 €. Työpajan kuvaus ja ohjelma oheisessa liitteessä.

Oulu näyttämönä -matchmakingtilaisuus 28.4. Koulutuksen lisäksi Dimeke tarjoaa Oulussa forumin mm. Väriä!OULU -kampanjaan osallistuvien ideoijien, yhdistysten, taiteilijoiden, opiskelijoiden ja yritysten verkottumiseen.  Tilaisuudessa esitellään myös erilaisia teknologisia alustoja, joille teoksia voidaan rakentaa ja joilla niitä voidaan esittää. Tilaisuuden tavoitteena on edistää digimediayritysten kontaktien luomista uusiin potentiaalisiin asiakkaisiin ja synnyttää yhteistyötä teknologiaosaajien, mediasisältöjen tuottajien ja taiteilijoiden kesken. Tilaisuuteen osallistuvat myös Oulun kaupunkikulttuurikeskuksen, Oulun matkailun ja brändityöryhmän edustajat. Tilaisuudessa toivotaan syntyvän työryhmiä, jotka osallistuvat ehdotuksillaan tuotekehityskilpailuun. Tilaisuus on maksuton. Tilaisuuden ohjelma oheisessa liitteessä.

Molempiin tilaisuuksiin ilmoittaudutaan osoitteessa

Game Audio Symposium, Friday 20 May, 2011, Lume

Are you interested in sound? Aalto University and the Finnish Game Audio Network are organizing a tightly packed one-day Game Audio symposium on Friday May 20th 2011. The event will take place in Helsinki, Aalto School of Art and Design, LUME facilities.

The Game Audio Symposium is open to both industry and academic personnel.

The day will feature individual presentations and/or panel discussions by Aalto staff and audio practitioners working in the game industry.
Looking forward to seeing you in May!

from behalf of AGAR Aalto Game Audio Review

Inger Ekman

Cumhur Erkut

Antti Ikonen

More information here:

Nordes invites you to the 4th Nordic Design Research Conference Making Design Matter! School of Art and Design, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
 May 29th – 31st, 2011

Nordes calls for perspectives on ‘Making Design Matter’. In the 2011 Nordic Design Research Conference, you are invited to present and discuss how design matters today.

Nordes 2011 in Helsinki is the 4th in a series of biannual conferences, which has included conferences in Copenhagen in 2005, Stockholm in 2007 and Oslo in 2009. Organized by Nordes – an open network of people interested in design research in the Nordic countries – the conference is attended by about 200 people and has rapidly been established as an important venue for design research. It serves several constituencies in design, ranging from design studies, history and management to professional design and practice-based research in art, crafts and design. Participation is also open to people from outside the Nordic countries.

Managing submitted content by the authors and reviewers happen in conference submission site, hosted with Open Conference System. Click here to log in to Nordes 2011 submission site to manage submitted material or to manage review processes.

More information:

From Audience to Users and Beyond. Second Finnish Transforming Audiences, Transforming, Societies Conference Aalto University, Otaniemi 6.–7.6.2011

Welcome to a multidisciplinary conference in Aalto University where we will discuss people‚ media relations, user experience and the methods of empirical audience research. Conference is part of the European audience research network Transforming audiences, transforming societies‚ (COST Action ISO906). The aim of the network is to map and link research on evolving audience practices in different countries and encourage cross-national research initiatives and collaboration.

More information:

Sound and Physical Interaction (SOPI) Research Group

Dear Colleagues and friends,

We have a new research group in the Department of Media, focusing on sound and its emerging role in New Media practices. Sound and Physical Interaction (SOPI) research group deals with digital sound in more aesthetically engaging forms. We are interested in the research and implementation of sound design together with physical interaction practices on various levels to advance their roles and impact in the future of media and interactive art. The research group combines the knowledge in Sonic Interaction and expertise in Interactive Art/Music. It aims to broaden this focus by collaboration at a national and an international level. Our research room (nr. 393 & ministudio) is located on the 3rd floor, please come and visit us any time!

You can also find information about our recent projects and more detailed research agenda @

Koray Tahiroglu

Otaniemi Open 2011

Aalto University and EIT ICT Labs welcome you to Otaniemi Open 2011 event.

Date & Time: Wednesday 13 April, 11:30-18:00
Locations: Design Factory and Venture Garage, Otaniemi
09:00-11:30 Partner information on Call 2012 (EIT ICT Labs partners only) at Venture Garage

Demonstrations at Design Factory
11:30 Demo area opens
14:00 Coffee
16:00 Cocktail reception
18:00 Announcement of the winning demo and closing of the event
Presentations and panel at Venture Garage
13:00 Bringing Europe to a new ICT age. Willem Jonker, CEO EIT ICT Labs
13:20 EIT ICT Labs and Helsinki. Marko Turpeinen, EIT ICT Labs Helsinki Node Director
13:40 Services at hand – ICT inspired smart spaces. Petri Liuha, Nokia & Action Line Leader for Smart Spaces at EIT ICT Labs
14:00 ICT services for Health and Wellbeing. Patrick Strating, EIT ICT Labs Eindhoven Node Director
14:15 Smart Energy Systems. Christian Huder, EIT ICT Labs Berlin Node
14:30 Coffee break
14:50- Panel: How to develop Otaniemi as a global innovation hotspot?

Fernando Herrera, Director, Sanoma Entertainment Finland
Petteri Koponen, Founding Partner at LifeLine Ventures
Mikko Kuusi, President of Aalto Entrepreneurship Society
Erkki Ormala, Vice President, Business Environment, Nokia
Reijo Paajanen, CEO of TIVIT
Anne Ritschkoff, Executive Vice President, Strategic Research VTT

More information:


On March 10, 2011, the Department of Media will host an open lecture with Maureen Thomas, from the Cambridge University Moving Image Studio (CUMIS). (See: Her lecture on Screen Language and Interactive Narrativity – DImensions will be given from 17:00 to 19:00 on the 8th floor in room 822.

The following day, March 11, there will be a seminar with Maureen, from 9:00-16:00. The seminar will meet in room 541. Please contact Lily Díaz ( or Heikki Nuutinen ( if you want to present your work in the seminar.

On Monday March 14, the Department of Media will host an open lecture with Edward Shanken, a historian of new media and current visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam. (See:

Here are some texts that Edward has recommended, in preparation for the lecture.

Best regards,

Lily Díaz

Mediatutkimus Blog

In this blog we intend to cover topics and activities related to Media Research at Aalto University. Thus we seek to report about the comings and goings in two major departments: Department of Media at the School of Art and Design and the Media Technology Department at the School of Science and Technology.

The Department of Media at Aalto University was launched as a new department of the Aalto School of Art and Design on 1 January 2010. It was created from the merger of the faculties of Graphic Design, Media Lab, and Photography. The new department includes 8 Professors and a staff of 80 persons of which 25 work in research.

Research is carried on in the three units of the department in the following manner:
1. Projects in thematic that are realized through Doctor of Arts and Master of Arts studies.
2. Projects in thematic areas that are realized through post-doc positions.
3. Projects in thematic areas realized through work in the research groups.

Among the uniqueness in the research conducted in the Department of Media is a focus and appreciation on art and design knowledge. Artistic research practices have come to be valued for the insights that they can offer. And during the past few decades design has developed towards a professional and scholarly practice with an ever-growing knowledge base that enables it to deal with the complex situations of today’s world.

The Department of Media Technology was established in the reorganization of Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) in the beginning of 2008. It was formed of two laboratories: the multimedia part of the Telecommunications software and Multimedia Laboratory from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Laboratory of Media Technology from the Automation and Systems Technology Department. Currently the department has 5 full professors, a staff of 90 persons. It has a strong research potential and was highly rated in the internal evaluation of Aalto University.