Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät – Fincom2012 – Finnish Conference of Communication Research

Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät 2012 Jyväskylä – Fincom2012

Tulevaisuus luo mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita kaikilla viestinnän ja median osa-alueilla. Jyväskylässä 30.–31. elokuuta 2012 pidettävien viestinnän tutkimuksen päivien teema on tulevaisuuden viestintä / viestinnän tulevaisuus.

Totuttuun tapaan päivillä on työryhmiä, paneeleita sekä paljon keskustelua. Puhujavieraina ovat professori Karin Becker (Stockholm University), professori William H. Dutton (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford), sekä professori Vibodh Parthasarathi (Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi). Päivien kielet ovat suomi ja englanti.

Päivillä tulee olemaan sekä suomen- että englanninkielisiä työryhmiä. Työryhmät, niiden kuvaukset sekä vetäjät yhteystietoineen ovat päivien verkkosivuilla Työryhmien esitykset valitaan laajennetun abstraktin (500–800 sanaa) perusteella. Abstraktit lähetetään sekä kaikille valitun työryhmän vetäjille että päivien sähköpostiin Esittäjiä pyydetään ilmoittamaan, mihin työryhmään esitys on tarkoitettu. Abstraktien määräaika on 28. helmikuuta 2012. Hyväksymisilmoitukset lähetetään esittäjille sähköpostitse sekä alustava ohjelma julkaistaan päivien verkkosivuilla 15. huhtikuuta 2012 mennessä.

Abstraktit lähetetään pääasiallisesti työryhmien vetäjille. Jos aihe ei kuitenkaan sovi tiettyyn työryhmään, abstraktin voi lähettää päivien järjestäjien sähköpostiosoitteeseen ( Tässä tapauksessa järjestäjät arvioivat abstraktit ja muodostavat uusia työryhmiä.

Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivien tiedot päivittyvät alkukevään 2012 aikana verkkosivuille: Päivien virallinen sähköposti:

Viestinnän tutkimuksen päiviä 2012 tukevat:
– European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
– Tiedotusopillinen yhdistys (TOY ry.)
– Informaatiotutkimuksen yhdistys (ITY ry.)
– Prologos ry, puheviestinnän valtakunnallinen tieteellinen yhdistys


Finnish Conference of Communication Research 2012 Jyväskylä – Fincom2012

Future brings opportunities and challenges to all areas of communication and media. The Finnish Conference of Communication Research will be organized in Jyväskylä on August 30-31, 2012, with the theme Communicating the Future / Future of Communication.

The conference will comprise workgroups, panels and formal and informal discussions. Keynote presenters are Professor Karin Becker (Stockholm University), Professor William H. Dutton (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford), and Professor Vibodh Parthasarathi (Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi). The conference languages are Finnish and English.

There will be both Finnish and English workgroups in the conference. Prospective presenters can find group descriptions and contact details of group chairs in the conference website The presentations in the workgroups will be vetted on the basis of extended abstracts (500–800 words). The abstracts are to be sent both to the selected group’s chair(s) and to the conference e-mail Presenters are asked to clearly indicate the name of the group in which they wish to present their paper. The deadline for extended abstracts is February 28, 2012. Approval notices will be sent to the presenters via e-mail and a tentative programme will be released on the conference website at the latest on April 15, 2012.

Generally abstracts are sent to chairs of workgroups. However, if there is no suitable group for one’s abstract, it can be sent directly to the organizers of the conference ( The organizers will vet such abstracts and arrange new workgroups.

Further conference information and details will be updated during spring 2012 on the conference website Official e-mail address of the conference is

FinCom2012 is sponsored by:
– European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
– The Finnish Association for Mass Communication Research (Toy ry.)
– The Finnish Association for Information research (ITY ry.)
– Prologos, the Finnish National Association of Speech Communication

Media goes Accessible 2012 symposium, first day on 18.1.2012

The first accessibility symposium of Aalto University for faculty, staff and students where community members discuss thoughts and exchange ideas to improve and co-design our collaboration, communication and interaction in education and research. The symposium is organised by OOPA, VIPU and Media Factory. Enrol at if you seek to include all members of Aalto community in our daily activities.

Venue for session 1B: Media Factory, Aalto ARTS, Hämeentie 135 A (Wednesday afternoon)

Programme for the first day on 18.1.2012

12.00 Registration on site:
• Bring your company name tag (badge) with you, please, or make your own beforehand. This helps to memorise new people.

Welcome to Media Factory. Manager Juhani Tenhunen
FabLab in Action. Anu Määttä

Visualization: Simulation and Experience in New Media. Prof. Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Aalto ARTS

14.00 Coffee (on the house)

Challenge: Colours as noise. Harald Arnkil, Aalto ARTS
A solution: Designing of Understanding. Prof emeritus Tapio Vapaasalo

15.30 Workshop theme: The use of visualization outside the Design world (e.g. in Contract planning, or in Service blueprinting).
Moderator: Postdoctoral researcher Olivier Irrmann. SimLab, Aalto SCI

17.00 Closing remarks

Thus tell your partners and collaborators! Ask them to enrol by doodle:

More information:

The Department of Media Researchers’ Meetings, Spring 2012/Median laitoksen tutkijakokoukset keväällä 2012

The Department of Media will hold meeting for their researchers on the following dates: February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13.

The meetings are from 9:00-10:00 in the morning, and they are held in room 328.

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Median laitoksen tutkijakokoukset keväällä 2012 pidetään seuraavina päivinä: 8. helmikuuta, 14. maaliskuuta, 11. huhtikuuta, 9. toukokuuta ja 13. kesäkuuta.

Kokoukset pidetään 3. kerroksen kokoushuoneessa 328 klo 9.00-10.00.

Some interesting conferences in year 2012!

1)  Art & Design International Conference, 18 -19 April 2012

“Innovation and Transformation in Art & Design in facing Global Challenges”.

Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Submission of Abstracts: 15 January 2012
Notification of Abstract acceptance: 30 January 2012
Final date for Full Paper submission (proceedings): 29 February 2012
Final date for Registration and full payment: 29 February 2012

2) 5th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2012)
7 to 8 May 2012, Bali, Indonesia

Organized by: Global Science and Technology Forum
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 20 January 2012

3) Communication, Internet and Information Technology
Baltimore, United States, 14 to 16 May 2012

CIIT 2012 is an international conference for the exchange of new ideas and practical experience in
the areas of communication systems, network  management, information systems, and the Internet.

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 21 January 2012.

Media Lab Helsinki mentioned at Times Higher Education

Media Lab Helsinki gets mentioned in Times Higher Education article “The new new thing”, on MIT Media Lab and other related institutions. It is one of the 9 institutions mentioned in the section “Follow the leader” (“Other university interdisciplinary research centres exploring the human dimensions of new technologies”, bottom of page), and the only one from a non Anglo-Saxon country. Curiously, it is the only one with a very similar name to MIT Media Lab.
(Text: Nuno Correia)

Media goes Accessible 18.-20.1.2012

The first accessibility symposium of Aalto University for faculty, staff and students where community members discuss thoughts and exchange ideas to improve and co-desgin our communication and interaction in education and research. The symposium is organised by OOPA, VIPU and Media Factory. Enrol at if you are interested to boost our communication and include all members of Aalto community in our daily activities.

1A: Sampo Hall, LUME, Aalto ARTS, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki (Wednesday morning)

1B-3B: Media Factory, Aalto ARTS, Hämeentie 135 A (Wednesday afternoon – Friday afternoon)

Programme and other information:

Prof. Samuel Weber vierailee Helsingissä 13.–17.12 2011

Samuel Weber, yksi keskeisistä amerikkalaisista nykyajattelijoista kirjallisuustieteen,

psykoanalyysin ja filosofian aloilla vierailee Helsingissä 13.-17.12. 2011 “Kosketuksen figuurit” –

tutkimushankkeen kutsumana. Weber pitää kolme avointa yleisöluentoa Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden

ja suunnittelun korkeakoulussa (entinen Taideteollinen korkeakoulu). Luentojen teemana on

singulaarisuus ja sen implikaatiot taiteen, median ja politiikan suhteen.

Ensimmäinen luento tiistaina 13.12., klo 10-12 on otsikoitu “Aesthetics, Media and Terror—

Clouds”, ja se käsittelee Leni Riefensthalin elokuvan Tahdon riemuvoitto, New Yorkin WTC:n

terrori-iskun kuvaston sekä tietoisen subjektin asemaa purkavan ajattelun pohjalta terrorismin ja

länsimaiden suhdetta.

Toinen luento on torstaina 15.12., klo 10-12. Sen otsikkona on “Money is time” ja se käsittelee

suvereenin velan kriisiä länsimaisissa yhteiskunnissa erilaisten instituutioiden ja rahatalouden

kannalta. Luento luotaa nykyisen eurokriisin taustoja ja yksilökeskeisen arvomaailmamme


Kolmas luento perjantaina 16.12., klo 10-12 käsittelee kirjallisuudelle ominaisen tiedon

singulaarista luonnetta. Luennon otsikko on “On the Singularity of Poetic Knowledge”.

Tarkasteltavana on muun muassa kerronnallisuuden painoarvo kommunikaation muotojen

määrittäjänä sekä erilaisten katkosten rooli muodonannossa ja merkityksenmuodstuksessa.

Kaikki luennot pidetään Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun tiloissa

Arabianrannassa. Osoite: Hämeentie 135 C, 8.krs. Luentokieli on englanti.

Vapaa pääsy, tervetuloa!

Prof. Samuel Weber in Helsinki, 13–17 December, 2011

Samuel Weber, one of the leading American thinkers across the disciplines of literary theory, philosophy, and psychoanalysis will visit Helsinki in December 2011, invited by the Figures of Touch research project.

Weber will give three open lectures at Aalto/Taik. Additionally, he will be one of the main speakers at the Hölderlin Research Day on 17 December at Teak, which also is an open event.

detailed information here:

International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, May 09-11, 2012 – Istanbul, Turkey

Last day for submission of Presentation/Panel abstracts 31 December 2011

International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design (ICCMTD) aims on gathering all the academicians around the globe to share and discuss their ideas, work and research by presenting their work and/or participate in valuable panel discussions about all topics on;

1- New Communication Technologies
2- Communication Barriers
3- Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design
4- Marketing Communication
5- Education and Communication Technologies
6- Communication and Media Studies in general

Besides to the all presentations and panel discussions will be published in the proceeding book, some selected articles will be published in the Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies.

For more details please visit the conference website

Hoping to see you in ICCMTD Conference and best wishes
Agah Gumus, Ph.D.

Call for participation: CHI 2012 Workshop on Visual Thinking and Digital Imagery (5th May 2012)

Format and Goals
This workshop focuses on exploring the centrality of visual literacy and visual thinking to HCI. Drawing on emerging critical perspectives, the workshop will address visual literacy and visual thinking from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary design-orientation, foregrounding the notion that imagery is a primary form of visual thinking. Imagery–which subsumes digital imagery–goes well beyond sketching and beyond storyboards, screenshots and wireframes. We will address how a broader framework for visual thinking and imagery in HCI can play a role in raising the visual standards of HCI research and practice. Workshop participants will investigate possibilities for developing a culture of curatorial gaze in HCI, in order to (i) promote collection of digital images as a method appropriate for a design-oriented discipline, (ii) invite others to contribute to a genre of working and corpus of imagery unique to HCI, and (iii) to expand the approaches that design-oriented HCI may productively and creatively draw upon.

Participant Selection Criteria & Requirements For Imagery and Optional Accompanying Position Papers
In keeping with the transdisciplinary foundation of visual thinking and design-oriented HCI, we hope to bring together a diverse group of HCI researchers and practitioners, as well as practitioners and academics in disciplines including (but not limited to) visual studies, design, photography, criticism, art, cultural studies, social sciences, and the humanities. First and foremost submissions will consist of visual thinking and/or digital imagery artifacts for curatorial review in advance of the workshop. A textual explanation or critical analysis of the artifact of no more than 4 pages in the CHI 2012 Extended Abstract format may be included. Submissions will be reviewed by the organizers, and 15-20 will be accepted. Accepted submissions will be placed on the workshop website, along with links to relevant literature.

Where to Submit Imagery and Papers
Submit your Imagery and Optional Accompanying Position Paper by email

Important Dates
Jan 27 2012 Imagery and optional accompanying position paper due for review/selection
Feb 10 2012 Notification to workshop participants by organizers
Mar 16 2012 Advance registration ends

At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

Eli Blevis School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University at Bloomington
Elizabeth F. Churchill Internet Experiences Group, Yahoo! Research,
William Odom HCI Institute Carnegie Melon University
James Pierce HCI Institute Carnegie Mellon University
David Roedl School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University at Bloomington
Ron Wakkary School of Interactive Arts & Technology Simon Fraser University