Lecture by Marcus Foth on Living+ Forum

Welcome to a lecture by:

Marcus Foth

on Living+ Forum

March 30th at 16:00, R001/Y122D (Otakaari 1)

Ubiquitous computing, mobile devices, and big data come together to give rise to a new urban paradigm being celebrated by many technology corporations and municipalities alike: the smart city. Yet, the general tenor of the current hype around smart cities is mainly about efficiency and productivity gains through automation and algorithmic analysis, and growth.

What evidence is there to suggest that the smart city can provide genuine answers to a number of wicked problems humanity faces?

In this talk, Professor Marcus Foth will dissect components that make up smart cities from cradle to grave and focus on the question of sustainability in cities. He will critically review examples and case studies with a view to widen the scope of the debate. Concluding remarks around co-creation, co-habitation and participatory governance beg further questions about not just the future of cities, but the future of deliberative democracy
