Sept 17, 2015

In the Doctoral Studies room on the 4th floor

Miestentie 3B, Otaniemi.

Media Lab presentations will begin at 17:00-19:00, but please join us to listen to the Graphic Design presentations from 15:00-17:00.



Samir Bhowmik

The thesis explores a participatory and sustainable framework for open access and sharing of artifacts and narratives between museums and their user communities. It examines current mechanisms utilized by museums for synchronizing digital and cloud assets with online audiences and museum spaces to encourage participation. It investigates how social sharing and open access to digital collections affects energy-use and audience engagement. By implementation and analyses of various museum-installation projects and museum-energy studies undertaken by the author between 2012-15, this project-driven thesis attempts to synthesize the learning outcomes into working principles for museums. The principles constitute a multidisciplinary social, digital and spatial framework and may help structure creative and collaborative processes in museums that could be sustainable.

Keywords: digital, museum, cloud collections, community, participatory, sustainability, sharing, energy-use, spatial, social


Heidi Tikka

How to frame one’s artistic research for the dissertation? In the current stage of my work, the key questions concern framing and structure. For the dissertation I will draw on the artistic productions completed since year 2000. The long  time span of productions will enable both lateral and vertical approaches. It is possible to follow the transformations of a particular project over time, or the development of a particular artistic research question in different projects over a number of sites and technical platforms. I will begin my talk, relating to these artistic projects, and will work towards the articulation of a frame for artistic research. My aim is to insist in the openness of the framing process. Therefore the focus of my presentation will be in the problems and the questions that I am encountering in the work of framing.

Documentation of my artistic projects at