Category Archives: Symposium

SYMPOSIUM ON ASPECT CHANGE, 21 – 22 October 2021, Bern, Switzerland

Image for Symposium on Aspect Change containing an apple and the Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB logo.

Symposium on Aspect Change

Next week, starting October 21st, VCD MA student João Emediato and head of MA programme in Visual Communication Design Arja Karhumaa will give talks in the “Symposium on Aspect Change” in Bern, Switzerland. The symposium is arranged by Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB. The event is held in English.

The multidisciplinary event will be streamed live and there is no admission!



Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB – Symposium on Aspect Change

With interdisciplinary contributions from international researchers in THE ARTS, PHILOSOPHY, GEOGRAPHY, DESIGN, LITERATURE, COGNITIVE SCIENCE


*** Please note: On site attendance with valid COVID certificate ***

Streamed on Youtube on the dates:

Online attendance registration for Zoom link via here.

Contact via email

PROGRAM – Thursday 21st of October

9.30 Registration

Batia Suter
artist, Amsterdam
Film: Radial Grammar, 2018

10.00 – Welcome
Tine Melzer
artist and researcher, HKB
»Towards Aspect Change «

David Zürcher
singer & film maker, Bern
Film: »Prekäre Dinge« 2017

Tobias Servaas
philosopher, Amsterdam
»It is always before one’s eyes – Wittgenstein on aspect change«

Silvia Maier
cognitive scientist, Zürich
»What you see is what you expect – A brain’s perspective on aspect change«

Alexandra Leykauf
artist, Berlin
»Both Sides Now«


Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes
art historian, University of Amsterdam
»Aspect Change, Oscillation, Parallax, Untranslatability: Approaching inconsistencies in Joseph Beuys’ work«

Uta Eisenreich
artist, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam
»It goes without saying«


João Emediato
artist, graphic designer & performer, Aalto University Helsinki
»Atlas of Work«

Alina Maria Frieske
artist, Berlin
»Tracking Connections – Imagined Recordings«

artists, Amsterdam
Film: »Forest on Location« 2018 (10m)

PROGRAM – Friday 22nd of October

9.30 registration

Hinrich Sachs
visual artist and writer, Basel
»Taparanco yaycuuan or To my Fellows in the Future«

Benjamin Hennig
geographer, Reykjavik, University of Iceland
»Rediscovering the world: New maps and visualisations of a changing planet«

Lizzie Ridout
artist, Falmouth University UK
»Little clouds: Speech balloons and the air of language«

Tanja Schwarz
artist and researcher, Bern
»Panic for Beginners«


Arja Karhuma
graphic designer & text artist, Aalto University Helsinki
»The horizon of typographic expectation«

Ilse van Rijn
art historian & writer, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam
»Diatomaceous meditations«


Raymond Taudin Chabot
artist, HKB
Film: »Cigars«, 2021 (14m 13s)

Florian Göttke
artist, writer & researcher, Dutch Art Institute Amsterdam
»Performance and Perception: Make Belief and Aspect Change«

Leila Peacock
artist, Zürich
Audio: »Factual Uncertainties« with Robin the Fog, 2011

17.15 Closing Panel



AALTO CREATIVITY SYMPOSIUM 2021, Vaasa, September 10th – 11th


Photo by Julia Weckman. Campus art.

Photo: Julia Weckman.

Aalto Creativity Symposium is a meeting point for scholars and practitioners, which will take place at Vaasa this coming Friday and Saturday, September 10th – 11th, both on-site and online.

Do you become more creative if you study creativity?

This creativity symposium discusses creativity and creativity theories and invites you who wants to understand more about the science of creativity, whether you are a student, scientist, teacher, entrepreneur, a leader in an organization, an artist, work in the field of psychology or else interested in creativity.

Creativity is a competence needed in times of change. We use our inherent creativity when solving problems, working in teams, or creating art or new products or strategies. Creativity theories submerge under the surface and make our tacit knowledge of creativity visible.

International keynote speakers and national presenters talk about various aspects of creativity: imagination, chaos, the creative process, and more. The topics are not domain specific but aim to shed light on the fundamental principles of creativity. Read more about keynote and featured speakers here.

The symposium is organized by a Team in The Department of Film, Television and Scenography ELO

in Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture:

  • Elisabeth Morney (chair)
  • Kirsi Reinola
  • Hannah Kaihovirta, Associate professor, University of Helsinki
  • Tuula Leinonen
  • Kirsi Manninen
  • Marjaana Rantama


Register here.

Online registration is free for Aalto people! For non-Aalto participants the online registration fee is €40.

On-site participation €80. On-site registration fee includes coffee, tea, fruit, and snacks. Self-pay lunch in the restaurant (pre-orders will be sent to participants). Please note that due to pandemic restrictions the number of on-site participants is limited, and thus the on-site registration might already be full.


On-site venue is located in Sulva (15 km from Vaasa). Online in Zoom (link will be sent to registered participants).

International and national participants are warmly welcome! The sessions will be recorded and can be viewed by participants for two weeks after the event.


FRIDAY – September 10th

13:00 – Lunch & registration

14:30 – Welcome & Definition and Aspects of Creativity (Elisabeth Morney, chair)

14:40 – Radical Creativity – What is it? The strategy of Aalto University (Tuomas Auvinen, Dean of School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University)

15:00 – Keynote: Intelligence, Creativity and Skill (Bonnie Cramond, Professor Emerita, University of Georgia, USA)

16:00 – Break (coffee)

16:20 – Imagination as a Source for Creativity (Hannah Kaihovirta, Docent, Senior researcher, University of Helsinki)

16:45 – Creative Thinking: Idea, Process and End Result (Riikka Mäkikoskela, Head of Radical Creativity, Aalto University)

17:10 – Improvisational Theater, Flow and Group Dynamic (Mikael Rejström, Actor & Creative Director, Stella Polaris)

17:30 – Marketing in an Equitable World (Dee Fretwell, Instructor, School of Business, Southern Oregon University, USA)

17:50 – Break (coffee)

18:00 – Keynote: Chaos, Complexity, and Creativity (Ruth Richards, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University, California, USA)

19:00 – Closing words for the day

19:15 – Symposium dinner

SATURDAY – September 11th

9:30 – Welcome to symposium day two (Hannah Kaihovirta)

9:40 – Quality, Taste and the Creative Product (Elisabeth Morney, Aalto University)

10:00 – The Movement between Intuition and Evidence in the Creative Design Process (Kirsi Manninen, Aalto University)

10:20 – Break (coffee)

10:30 – Limitation as a Creative Resource (Kirsi Reinola, Aalto University)

10:50 – Ethical Aspects of Creativity (Marjaana Rantama, Aalto University)

11:10 – Break

11:20 – What is Creativity? Perceptions of primary school children in Malta. (Dr. Margaret Mangion, Senior lecturer, University of Malta, The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation, Malta)

11:40 – The Role of Creativity in Interdisciplinary Work Groups in Higher Education Context (Dr. Daniela Bauer, Nuremberg Tech, LEONARDO – Centre for Creativity and Innovation, Germany)

12:00 – Lunch

13:00 – Keynote: Assessment of Creativity (Bonnie Cramond, Professor Emerita, University of Georgia, USA)

14:00 – Break (coffee)

14:15 – Round table: Do you become more creative by studying creativity? (Elisabeth Morney (chair), Bonnie Cramond, Hannah Kaihovirta, Riikka Mäkikoskela)

14:50 – Wrap up, final words

15:00 – End

Critical, Expanded, Material: Re-thinking the Digital Humanities

A Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies/Sussex Humanities Lab Symposium

Monday, January 12th, 2015
Time: 1:30 – 5:30
Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabiankatu 24 A, Seminar Room 136, Ground Floor.

Tim Hitchcock, Professor of Digital History
‘Voices of Authority: recreating the trial experience using the Old Bailey Online’
Sally Jane Norman, Professor of Performance Studies
‘Performance and Live Data’
Dr. David Berry, Reader in Digital Media
Digital Humanities and the Post Digital (title to be confirmed)
Professor Caroline Bassett, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellow, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
‘A lateral theory of time travel: digital humanities, SF and influence’

Digital transformation is transforming cultural forms and practices as well as ways of researching and publishing. The objects as well as the tools and methods of humanist study are changing. In this context there is a growing realization of the need to re-invent digital humanities, to expand its reach, to develop critical modes of analysis, and explore new forms of cultural production. The Sussex Humanities Lab (SHL), a four year research programme based at the University of Sussex in the UK, is exploring these issues and the symposium is intended to develop a dialogue between the SHL and academics engaged with digital humanities in Finland.

Convenor/organizer Mikko Tolonen, HCAS.
Registration for this event is required but free of charge. Please register online.
Holding page for registration is: