Call for Submissions ACM Interactions Magazine

The Editors-in-Chief of ACM Interactions magazine invite authors to submit
articles and other features for publication.

Interactions magazine is the mirror on the human-computer interaction and
interaction design communities and beyond. It is the multiplicities of
conversations, collaborations, relationships and new discoveries focused on
how and why we interact with the designed world of technologies.
Interactions magazine carries a special voice that lies between practice and
research with an emphasis on making accessible and engaging HCI research in
practitioner communities.

The magazine is circulated to approximately 6000 subscribers per issue! This
includes all ACM members of SIGCHI. It is the third largest ACM publication.
Interactions magazine has a large readership and is influencing the field.
To work with the magazine does make a difference.

Interactions magazine represents the expertise and new discoveries within
the HCI and interaction design research and practitioner communities. Our
emphasis is on communicating our expertise and knowledge across our fields
and beyond. Submissions may be new material or based on material previously
published in academic research venues re-written for wider audience.

We are looking for the following submissions:

– Feature Article: A 2200-2500 words article that covers any topic
related to Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design.
– Blogspot: A 1200-1500 words opinion piece on a topic related to our
– Demo Hour: An example of new technologies, design, applications or
something we’ve not seen before! This submission requires at least one image
and a 50-100 words description plus a link to a project web site and a
reference for a single publication for more details.

We are also looking for community notices for relates conferences and events
descriptions, dates, and deadlines.

There is no deadline for submissions. We accept submissions year-round.

Send your submissions or inquiries to eic[at]interactions[dot]acm[dot]org


Ron Wakkary and Erik Stolterman
Editors-in-Chief ACM Interactions
Erik Stolterman*

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