Studies in Artistic Research: Ruukku #6 is online now!


Ruukku #6 is online now!

This new issue of RUUKKU shows how artistic research and the ways in which art is made can contribute to not only societal debate but also to methodologies in other disciplines. The articles are grouped around four themes, albeit ones with porous and fluid boundaries. These are socially responsible art, the methodology of art research, the political nature of making art and new forms of making art. The issue features research expositions from Susanna Helke, Kalle Lampela, Barbara Lüneburg, Tero Nauha, Minna Rainio, Denise Ziegler, Maria Huhmarniemi and Satu Miettinen, Inkeri Huhtamaa & Taina Kontio.

The journal RUUKKU uses the Research Catalogue internet platform for presenting multi-medial and multi-lingual expositions. The Research Catalogue requires the authors to register for an account to edit text and images on a single or multipage layout. The international RC repository features a growing number of accounts on artistic research.

RUUKKU encourages artists and artistic researchers to submit expositions that extend the written journal paper format: images, slideshows, video, sound and navigational elements are possible within the RC publishing platform. The platform enables artists to display different aspects of their work and experiment with ways of presenting artistic research.

RUUKKU receives support from the following institutions: Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the University of the Arts Helsinki. For further information, see

Issue editors:

Mari Mäkiranta & Eija Timonen

RUUKKU editorial board:

Mika Elo (chair), Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Esa Kirkkopelto, Harri Laakso, Maarit Mäkelä, Teemu Mäki, Margit Rahkonen, Taina Riikonen, Hannu Saha, Jyrki Siukonen, Riikka Stewen, Eija Timonen

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