Call for Proposals
The Future of Museum and Gallery Design
An international conference exploring creative research and practice in museum making
Are you involved in the practice of designing or redeveloping museums and galleries? Are you undertaking research into an aspect of museum design or visitor experience? Are you interested in learning from and with others involved in museum design internationally?
The organisers are seeking proposals for papers, presentations, creative research-led workshops and training workshops.
As well as seeking submissions which explore creative approaches to the design of meaningful and engaging visitor experiences, the conference seeks case studies and research which will expose the potential for design processes and design thinking to make a significant contribution to the strategic development of museums and cultural organisations internationally, challenging conventional approaches to museum and gallery making and seeking to unleash the potential of design and creativity for the cultural sector.
Themes might include but will not be limited to:
- Spaces for people and design for use
- The production of social spaces and sites for dialogue in the context of a consumer driven society
- The integration of art, culture and everyday life
- The development of sites for social engagement, wellbeing and place-making
- New museum and gallery design processes and the challenges of creating a framework for interpretive design
- Collaborative museum making
- Narrative environments and storytelling-in-space
- Designing for visitor participation and experience
- Experimental approaches to museum and experience making which place the visitor at the heart of the design process
- Community art and community-led design
- Understanding the needs of visitors – perception, embodiment and sociality
- The role of design and ‘design thinking’ in museum making
- The challenges of cross-cultural exchange in museum and gallery design
- Design research and its contribution to museum making
Deadline: 30th June 2015. Decisions on accepted proposals by end July 2015.
Dates: 13-15 November 2015