9.30 Opening words: Eija Timonen & Maarit Mäkelä
9.45 Ilpo Koskinen: Exploring with Data. Professor, PhD, Department of Design, Aalto University School of Art and Design
10.45 Break
11.00 Screening: Dis-Location/Re-Location (Leora Farber)
11.30 Leora Farber: Negotiations: exploring interrelationships between data, research and art in the exhibition, Dis-Location/Re-Location
12.30 L U N C H
13.30 Workshops (Parallel sessions 1 a and 1b are held in Studionäyttämö and in classroom TM 857, 8th Floor)
15.30 C O F F E E
16.00 Workshops (Parallel sessions 2 a and 2 b)
17.30-19.00 R E C E P T I O N
Wednesday 21.9.2011 | Studionäyttämö, Media Center Lume
9.15 Screening: Sculpting for the Screen (Siri Senje)
10.30 Siri Senje: Imagining for the Screen
11.30 Presentation of Journal for Artistic Research. Mika Elo, Doctor of Arts, Researcher, Media Department, Aalto University School of Art and Design
12.00 L U N C H
13.00 Workshops (Parallel sessions 3 a and 3 b)
15.30 Closing of the seminar and coffee
Closing words: Jukka Kortti, Director of Elomedia Doctorial Program, Aalto University School of Art and Design
* * *
Leora Farber holds an M.A Fine Art from the University of the Witwatersrand. She is currently the Director of the University of Johannesburg’s, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture Research Centre titled ‘Visual Identities in Art and Design’. She has published articles in numerous academic journals and has been the recipient of numerous funding awards. Farber has been exhibiting her artwork nationally and internationally since 1993. Her works are housed in numerous South African public and private collections. In her presentation, Negotiations: exploring interrelationships between data, research and art in the exhibition, Dis-Location/Re-Location, she explores how her artwork is produced through the creative processing of data through multiple media.
Siri Senje holds an Master of Fine Arts degree in Stage Directing from the University of Minnesota and is currently a Research Fellow in Screenwriting at the Norwegian Film School. Siri has directed thirtysome theatrical productions for Norway´s repertory theatres and was the head of Norsk Dramatikkfestival; a festival for new, dramatic writing for ten years. She has written for theatre, film and television – most recently A Man Immortal (drama series based on Henrik Ibsen´s early life for Norwegian National TV ) and published books for adolescents. She has also worked extensively as a script consultant and lecturer/teacher of classical dramaturgy. Her presentation, called IMAGINING FOR THE SCREEN, will deal with the Digital Media Essay as a method for documenting an artistic process and presenting artistic research.
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Johtaja (vt.)
Jukka Kortti (VTT)
Michaela Bränn (FM)
09-470 30442
+ 358 (0) 50 567 8357
ELOMEDIA tohtoriohjelma
Aalto-yliopiston Taideteollinen korkeakoulu
Elokuva- ja lavastustaiteen laitos
PL 31000 (Hämeentie 135 C)
00076 Aalto
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