Services and resources for teachers to start teaching in year 2024

There were some big changes last Autumn in teaching related systems. New systems, updates on old one and removal of dome systems. Most of the services used in teaching remains the same. Here is short list of biggest changes.

Systems, updates and resources

  1. New interface was introduced to MyCourses in summer 2023 update
    Last summer introduced big changes in MyCourses interface. Maybe the biggest single thing is the left navigation that now list all activities in course space. Teacher is also able to rearrange activities just by drag and drop them in left navigation.
  2. New feedback system was released in October as a integrated service in MyCourses
    New feedback system was released. The new system provides a possibility to have feedback during the course. We also released series of tips to improve feedback culture.
  3. Recommendations about grading practices in MyCourses
    To make easy for students to find grades and assessments it is good practice to concentrate information to one location. MyCourses has a lot of tools for grading assignments during the course. It is also the most easy way for student to find course assessments.
    Here is also some detail instructions how to setup grades in MyCourses to support recommendations
  4. Peergrade was removed in the end of year 2023. We are looking to get replacement service up and running before end of January 2024. It is also recommended to check out Workshop activity in MyCourses. Works well in most peer assessment assignments.

Teacher services support channels for teachers

The handbook seeks to provide practical information on teaching practices; rules, regulations, and guidelines concerning teaching; digital platforms for teaching and learning; and physical learning spaces for teaching. is location for system instructions.

Get personal support by contacting us. MyTeaching support service request form can be found in (remember to log in) or just log in to MyCourses and go to your course space.

and finally there is always a possibility to Book your session with a specialist