Development targets for teacher services raised from responses to the remote teaching survey 20–21

Development targets for the next year based on the responses in the survey:

    1. On-demand support for pedagogical and digipedagogical issues as well as well-functioning and timely support for IT issues.
      Did you know that IT services already have a chat channel and a self-service channel for you to use? Teacher services have also launched the “book a specialist” service to help you with those of your needs when sending an email to the service address is insufficient or not quick enough. More about the “book a specialist” service at
    2. Easy access to pedagogical courses
      There were several requests for having more spots, for example, in the A!peda Intro courses. This wish has been heard. Our pedagogical introduction course will be offered more often during the academic year 2022–2023 than before.

    3. Miro and Slack for Aalto users!
      The survey contained plenty of requests to have Miro and Slack as part of the digital platforms offered by Aalto services. Right now, the viability of having Miro in the platform portfolio is being investigated by the Aalto Cybersecurity group. The work for having new software to use is a continuous ongoing process! We will update the status of the purchase process more often to keep you up-to-date better.

    4. Support for hybrid teaching is still more than needed!
      Links to support pages are given here:
      and more information on the topic is available at

    5. Online interaction is still very challenging for many students (and for teachers as well)
      For example, our Wednesday webinars offered insights for better online interaction. You can find the recordings in Panopto in the Les Webinars folder.

      The Les Webinar folder in Panopto contains recordings like
        • Pre-recorded lectures with Panopto. Session includes tips for making your videos accessible
        • Digital Collaborative learning feat. Jaan Praks
        • Rethinking Exams in remote teaching: rules and legislation (not recorded only slides)
        • Activating students with Flinga and Zoom
        • Peer review in MyCourses
        • Etäopetuksen tietosuoja, kansallinen suositus (in Finnish)
        • Active learning and Presemo in hybrid teaching
        • “How to keep students engaged online” – panel discussion of best practises and approaches
        • Myötätuntotietoisia lähestymistapoja online-opetukseen (in Finnish). Vetäjä: Laura Heimonen, hankepäällikkö, Myötätuntoa korkeakouluihin -hanke.
        • Assessment of Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills