Students of Aalto, Oana from Romania, Master’s Programme in Water and Environmental Engineering 


My name is Oana and I’m a Water and Environmental Engineering master’s student originally from Romania. This is the story of how I’ve come to call Finland my home and Aalto University my school. It is a thrilling (hopefully!) adventure spanning several years and three countries. 

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Students of Aalto, Shuangyi from China, Master’s Programme in Management and International Business

Hello Everyone! Moi!  

My name is ShuangyiAfter finishing my bachelor study in Hunan ChinaI went to Finland and started new journey. Now I’m finalizing my master studies in Aalto University School of Business, with my focus on international strategy and business analysis. 

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Students of Aalto, Svitlana from Ukraine, Master’s Programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO) (Erasmus Mundus)

Hey, moiпривіт 

My name is Svitlana. I’m an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree student in Security and Cloud Computing from Ukraine. Just a year ago, I started my application process with a big hope to become an Aalto student, and I did. I clearly remember the moment of receiving the letter from Hogwarts (Aalto). I was speechless and delighted, my life was about to change, and this change was so exciting.   

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Don’t be too hard on yourself

Lost hope and a little depressed?
Struggling to find meaning at days end?
Don’t panic and have some rest,
Don’t be too hard on your self!

Can’t tell apart the days, weeks or a year that has left?
Wasted time with little to no progress?
Its okay not to be your best,
Don’t be too hard on your self!

Broken hearts and friendships gained,
Some things can still be the same,
Don’t isolate and be in pain,
Let yourself find that love again.

Humanity is again put through a test!
Our resolve will be the best,
Take one step and see what’s next,
Don’t be too hard on your self!

Saad Azhar
Building Technology
Aalto study options
Contact email: aaltosquad(at)

The Name of the Bird 

The first Finnish word that I’ve learned, was the name of a bird. I had just moved to a student apartment in Otaniemi and did my first load of washing in the laundry room. Looking out of the launderette’s rear window I could see nothing but nature: skinny birch trees, pines and sprouts followed by a field of reeds on the shore of the seawater bay. While waiting for the dryer to finish I decided to step outside to enjoy the last rays of sunshine on this late autumn afternoon. Just as I closed the door behind me, I noticed a subtle movement, and there it was, right at my feet: a tiny light brown bird with a string of black feathers and yellow spots on its wings.  

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