Lockdown is coming, but so is spring!

As many of you know Finland is going into a 3-week shutdown. But this doesn’t mean that you can have fun or enjoy the coming spring. So here are a few of the things I do to not have a breakdown during lockdown. 


Something I enjoy a lot when the temperatures are warmer is exploring the Helsinki region. I open Maps and find some random place that looks interesting and go find out what it is. This has taken me to beautiful beaches, strange architecture and many unexpected adventures. 

To enhance that experience I try to find my way there biking or rollerblading  


But I don’t have a bike so in the past, I have used the HSL city bikes which I really recommend (link below). During last year’s warm season, I challenged myself to not take any form of transport other than bike or rollerblades. Biking from Kamppi to Otaniemi at 4 am was not the most enjoyable it was a rewarding experience. I not only did exercise but I got deeply familiar with the city. This is also something fun to do in small groups.


I also picked up growing plants. I used to have the opposite of a green thumb; I even killed a cactus once (not proud of this at all). But after a year my plants are still living so I must be doing something right! You can start your own herb garden by buying seeds or propagating store-bought basil in water (link below). I promise, having some green around will make your days better.  

Pick up a new skill 

Did you use to read a lot but now can’t find the time, have you always wanted to learn how to crochet or skate or meditate or cook an amazing cake? Why not give it a try now? It doesn’t have to be anything grand but something that will make you feel better about yourself. I took some time to learn some new skills in Adobe Illustrator. 


Have some clothes that don’t fit you anymore or have stains? Try to repurpose it! You can cut it into squares and use for cleaning or paint something nice over the stains, modify it so it fits you and your style or donate it if it’s still in good conditions. There are so many creative ways to repurpose or modify clothes so just try something out! 

Schedule a videocall with someone who lives far away 

Each 2 Fridays I open my zoom to talk to my family back home in Argentina. This tradition started with the lockdowns last year. I really appreciate being able to talk to my family and friends all around the world in these uncertain times. You can even get creative and play some games or have competitions about who has the craziest story since you last talked or anything of the sort. 

Bonus tip (for the rainy days) 

This is my own feel-better recipeLock your door, turn off the lights, put some music on, turn the volume all the way up and dance your heart out to your favourite beats.  

Thank you for reading! Just try to do what feels right and don’t push yourself too much. Remember to rest and take care of yourself, respect the restrictions and keep safe! 


Zina Marpegan
English Bachelor’s Programme in Design | Aalto University
Aalto study options
Contact email: aaltosquad(at)aalto.fi

3 thoughts on “Lockdown is coming, but so is spring!

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