NoVA Symposium in Konstfack University, Stockholm, Sept 2019

NoVA students attending symposium in Konstfack University, Stockholm

Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA) is a joint programme with 3 universities: Aalto University in Helsinki, Aalborg University in Copenhagen and Konstfack University in Stockholm. Each semester, all NoVA students from the 3 universities attend a symposium that lasts for a week in one partner university. We attended the symposium between 23/9/2019 and 27/9/2019 in Konstfack University in Stockholm.

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Aalto Talent Expo is coming up for the first time on 31 Oct 2019

Students have the chance to talk directly with potential employers. On 31st 2019, more than 130 employers are attending! Photographer: Rasmus Karppinen

Aalto has organized Career Fairs in different fields for years. This year, it will be different!  Aalto Career Services is organizing Aalto Talent Expo for the first time on 31 Oct in Otahalli, Otaniemi from 11-17. The event is created for matchmaking between employers and talents at Aalto University. There will be employers of arts, business and technology, which corresponds to the three multidisciplinary fields in Aalto community. Aalto students will be benefited from a series of activities in Talent Expo, including speed mentoring, inspirational speeches, student exhibitions, encounters, tips for work applications, CV clinic, portfolio review, CV-photographing and more. 

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Kiuas – #1 startup accelerator in Finland

An interview with Kiuas CEO, Aaro Isosaari, who is studying master’s program of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University. Kiuas is the top startup accelerator in Finland led by a student team.

We exist to support early-stage startups in their journey from idea to first revenue.”
– Kiuas

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Wave Ventures – the first student-run VC fund in the Nordics.

CEO Oskari Tempakka and Investment Manager Julia Jutila (Aalto master student studying Industrial Engineering and Management) introduce wave ventures and how it helps early-stage startups to reach their first peak. In the end of the interviews, both of them give advice to new Aalto students who are interested in entrepreneurship.

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Occupation for Introverts

For an introvert, the first weeks at any place are always the worst. Forced social interactions, no routine or familiar faces and the feeling of non-belonging constantly lurking around. So I wasn’t really keen on what was announced as my first lecture. A 90 students and 9 professor strong compulsory beginner course for 1st year students of the Department of Media. UMAD – Understanding media art and design was the very first course in my very first week at Aalto University.

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