RUSKA 2020
RUSKA Research day is a yearly event that takes place during the fall semester. The research day is part of TUTA long term targets to energize and advance the TUTA research community, its efforts, visions, and its research and societal impact.

WHAT? | RUSKA IV – A day for TUTA Research, Impact & Inclusivity |
WHEN? | October 22, 2020, 9:00 – 12:00 |
WHERE? | Online – Zoom Meeting |
WHO? | All members of TUTA Staff, Faculty & Researchers, Professors, Postdocs, and Docents |
Update Oct 23:
- Please take some time and give feedback from RUSKA 2020 here: The responses are anonymous.
- RUSKA 2020 presentations are available here
- If you wish to re-live Ruska, check out snapshots here
- Post-Ruska initiative “ Have Lunch with a Colleague“
- Save the Date for RUSKA2021 on October 21, 2021 at Haltia Nature Centre
Update Oct 15: Due to the corona virus situation RUSKA will be organized as an online event.
A warm welcome to the fourth RUSKA day on Thursday October 22! We have planned for an inspiring and engaging program online.
9:00 Welcome & Warm-up
- Guess Who?
- What’s up @TUTA / Risto Rajala
9:45 Session A | Increasing research impact through external research funding
- Keynote: Krisztina Cziner, Aalto Research Support Services
- TUTA Research Showcases
Jan Holmström
Henni Tenhunen
Robin Gustafsson
Q & A
10:30 Break & Staying tuned
10:45 Session B | Further improving inclusivity and building connection and community in our current work environment
- Merita Petäjä, senior psychologist, AllWell, Aalto University
- Q & A & Reflections
11:45 Wrap-up & Take-aways
- Concluding words with Esa Saarinen
- Group picture & your Post-Ruska Initiative
12:00 End of the event
Should you have questions, please contact, phone 050 305 4767

RUSKA 2019
9:00 A Good Morning Breakfast
9:30 Welcome & Getting Started
- TUTA Linking Research and Teaching in a Research University
12:00 Buffet Lunch
12:40 Recharging Walk & Talk: Oxygen Hop around the Långvik 1km trail (optional)
13:00 Let’s Talk Research Methods and Data Science
- Data Science for Research and Teaching at TUTA
- Teaching Research Methods in the TUTA programs: What, Why and How?
14:15 Wrap Up & Afternoon Tea & Coffee
14:30 Time for Recreation & Relaxation
16:00 Bus departs from Långvik (back in Otaniemi approx. 16:30)
RUSKA Research day is a yearly event that takes place during the fall semester. The research day is part of TUTA long term targets to energize and advance the TUTA research community, its efforts, visions, and its research and societal impact.
Previous Research day pages
RUSKA I in 2017