
Zoom links

The interactive agenda, which contains the Zoom links to all events can be found here:

The sign in credentials have been sent to you by email. If you have not received them, then contact the organizing committee (

Directory of abstracts | The final program (can be accessed with the provided credentials)

SRA-Europe 2021 Programme at a Glance (updated June 13,2021)
Please note that all times refer to the conference time in Finland (EEST/UTC+3)

The conference will be virtual using Zoom technology for presentations. Zoom links to the conference sessions will be shared with registered participants during the weekend prior to the conference.

Find Zoom instructions here


Keynotes and panel discussions will be recorded and published here once they have been processed. The videos will be available until 30 June 2021.

Other videos will be published privately in the COMS system and will be available until 30 June 2021.