Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts and detailed instructions for submitting abstracts can be accessed HERE.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts opens: November 15, 2020
Submission of abstracts closes: January 31, 2021
Notification of acceptance: February 21, 2021
List of topics
- COVID-19 and pandemics
- Theoretical and conceptual advances in risk science
- Risk communication
- Risk perception
- Risk education and competence development
- Risk and ethics
- Risk governance and risk management
- Principles and methods of risk research
- Probabilistic and statistical risk analysis
- Qualitative methods of risk analysis
- Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods
- Elicitation and synthesis of expert judgement
- Risk and resilience
- Risks and sociotechnical systems, incl. critical infrastructures
- Emergent risks, preparedness and scenarios
- Experimental design and laboratory studies
- Risk and social media
- Population and inequality, migration, societal integration
- Environmental risks, climate change
- Energy, industrial production
- Cybersecurity, digital technologies and services
- Food, health and safety
- Transportation, traffic and logistics
- Defence, security risks, incl. terrorism
- Generic topic
SRA-E 2021 Submission of abstracts
General guidelines
- For all presentations at the conference, an abstract in English must be submitted.
- Abstracts must submitted following the instructions below through the submission system at SRAE2020. Please do not fax, mail or email your abstract as it will not be considered!
- Proposed abstracts will be accepted only on condition that at least one of the authors has registered for the conference.
Detailed Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
Abstracts should highlight research results and clearly indicate
- why the research is important;
- how it contributes to scientific progress;
- which methodological and conceptual approaches were chosen; and
- which theoretical models and methods were applied.
All abstracts will be reviewed and all authors will be notified by email of the review outcome.
The type of the abstract is selected from a menu in “Preferred type of presentation”:
1. Symposia
Abstract submissions for symposia need to include the following information:
- Preferred type of presentation: Symposium
- Presentation title (max. 20 words)
- Author(s), affiliation(s) (including country, city and postcode for each) & email(s)
- Presenting author
- Abstract (max. 400 words)
- Preferred topics (min one, max three)
- Keywords (max. 5)
- Symposium coordinator’s last name
- Symposium coordinator’s first name
- Symposium coordinator’s email
- Symposium title (max. 20 words)
Instructions for symposium coordinators:
The symposium abstract must be submitted by the symposium coordinator. Symposium coordinators are asked to inform the symposium presenters of the title of the symposium.
Instructions for symposium presenters:
Before submitting your abstract, please request the following information from the symposium
- Symposium coordinator’s last name, first name, and email;
- Symposium title (max. 20 words)
Submit your abstract as an oral presentation with this information in the field “If part of a symposium”.
Each abstract to be given at a symposium must be submitted by the presenting author.
2. & 3. Oral presentations and poster presentations
Abstracts for oral presentations or poster presentations need to include the following information:
- Preferred type of presentation: Oral presentation or poster presentation (one or the other)
- Presentation title (max. 20 words)
- Author(s), affiliation(s) (including country, city and postcode for each) & email(s)
- Presenting author
- Abstract (max. 400 words)
- Relevant topics (min one, max three)
- Keywords (max. 5)