How can we achieve the smooth landing on the post pandemic new normal in teaching and learning?

Create shared understanding with us and highlight your viewpoints on post-pandemic teaching! We invite you to share your teaching experiences both from ongoing academic year and your teaching needs for the next year in annual Teachingfeedback -survey. We are also curious for hearing your opinion on how our Aalto services can help you to succeed.

Survey is open in Webropol until 30th of April 2022 :

The annual Teaching feedback survey is aimed at teaching staff in Aalto university. The focus of this year’s survey is on teaching and learning spaces and the implementation of remote and hybrid teaching.

At the same time, there is also ongoing survey about service satisfaction: The Satisfied with the Aalto services? survey is primarily aimed at researchers and teachers and concerns all support services. Link to survey:  Survey is also open until 30th of April 2022.

Thank you for your time and opinion!