Change in MyCourses Grade letter default settings
We’ve noticed that some teachers prefer using grade letters for final course assessments because in some cases it is just a nice and simple way to grade. In Moodle, the default grade letter range is from A to F. However, since we don’t use this range at Aalto, we’ve adjusted the default settings to fit teachers needs. From now on, when teachers set up letter grades, the default letter range is from “0” to “5”. The percentages are also configured so that scoring 50% will give a student a “1”.
Teachers still have full flexibility to adjust the percentage thresholds locally for their courses but hopefully there is less to change. Additionally, when exporting final grades for SISU, teachers can use letters as numbers and have right kind on file for SISU. There is a instructions for a pass/fail letter scale in the MyCourses instructions for CSV export. The idea is the same. The Grade letters can be used in different ways.
We’re excited about this setting change as it simplifies the grading process and aligns better with the grading practices at Aalto. Happy grading!