What is versatile learning assessment in higher education today? Reflect, read, or study

If you are thinking about this or any other current major questions of learning assessment, we have compiled learning material on assessment into a continuous online course Versatile Assessment for Learning (1-2 ECTS) on MyCourses. The course aims to support your assessment literacy with the help of reading materials, assignments, and guidance. You can complete the course, which is part of Aalto University pedagogical training or just browse the materials if you wish. The course is multilingual, so you can benchmark it from that perspective as well. The learning environment is open to all Aalto staff members interested in learning assessment.
We have selected literature and research for this learning environment based on three main criteria:
1. As a rule, we have chosen the latest publications in the field, with some sources already taking a stand on recent major issues related to learning assessment, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of AI on learning.
2. We have chosen to include a lot of Finnish assessment research, which is very important for understanding Finnish learning culture and context.
3. We have chosen to include also basic sources in reading materials, in case not all readers have previous pedagogical training in their background.
The materials are divided into three sections as follows:
1. Introduction to versatile assessment for learning
2. Methods of learning assessment
3. Feedback to support assessment for learning
Find the learning materials on MyCourses. If you wish to complete the course, please register here.