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Introducing the Finnish Journal of University Pedagogy
Photo by Guzel Maksutova on Unsplash
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Saavutettavat opetuskalvot / Accessible Teaching Slides (fi/en)
PowerPoint-kalvot ovat opetuksen vakiokamaa, mutta oletko löytänyt niiden saavutettavuuden tarkistamiseen rutiinin? Vaikka digitaaliset oppimateriaalit tekevät opetuksesta ja oppimisesta yhä joustavampaa ja monipuolisempaa, ne tuovat mukanaan myös esteettömyyttä.
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Breaking barriers – Tips for inclusive course design
As the new academic year approaches and the buzz of preparation fills the air, it is essential to reflect on a crucial question: Is
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Six strategies for more impactful (online) teaching and learning – Part 3/3
What kind of teaching practices can help our students study better? Are we using scientifically proven strategies to enhance learning? This series of three blog posts will introduce you to six
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Six strategies for more impactful (online) teaching and learning – Part 2/3
What kind of teaching practices can help our students study better? Are we using scientifically proven strategies to enhance learning? This series of three blog posts will introduce you to six
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Six strategies for more impactful (online) teaching and learning – Part 1/3
What kind of teaching practices can help our students study better? Are we using scientifically proven strategies to enhance learning? This series of three blog posts will introduce you
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