Posts by this author
Tips for teachers to check on their MyCourses spaces when creating a new course
MyCourses has been updated again during summer break and like every year, there are changes. We have listed some things that are good to check when you are creating a new
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Peergrade not available after the 31st of December 2023!
Company behind the Peergrade has been acquired by Multiverse. Because of this the Peergrade will not be available after 31st of December 2023.
If you are planning to use
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From teacher to teacher
Henrik Wallén dives deep into MyCourses’s Gradebook and tells how he uses the calculation feature and the csv file to export final grades to SISU.
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How to utilize psychologists´ support for your teaching?
Teachers and programme leaders: did you know that Aalto’s study psychologists and the career counselling psychologists provide support also for teachers? Ask ideas and viewpoints how increase student wellbeing in your
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Copyright and licensing strategies for teaching
From time to time it is good to remind ourselves how should we use materials others have created. Do we always remember give credits to those who really deserve
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Student progress tracking in MyCourses
MyCourses has completion progress features that helps teachers and students follow progress in course space. For teacher it is simple tool to see if any of students start missing
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Teams live-tekstitys osaa nyt myös suomea
Microsoft Teams kokoustilassa oleva Live -tekstitys on saanut valikkoonsa suomen kielen. Ohjeita tekstityksen aktivointiin Microsoftin ohje-sivuilla.
Huomaathan että asetus on sessiokohtainen. Kaikille sessioon osallistuville
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