Peergrade – A new tool for assessment and feedback

During the still ongoing pandemic, and in remote courses, you have probably come across that planning interaction in a remote course is harder than in a course at campus. And if you have tried out some tools, many of them are not designed to follow the simplicity and the nature of natural interaction.

The tip of this week is Peergrade, a tool that enhances students’ interpersonal and thinking skills by involving students assessing the work of their peers.

Peergrade is:

  • Easy-to-use for all. Every phase from submitting an assignment to evaluating personal feedback runs smoothly.
  • Additional assessment method in a course.
  • Way for students to learn from and with their peers.
  • Way to ease teacher’s workload.

Try Peergrade in your course by following the steps on the support page, or by booking a session with a MyCourses support team member.