There was an article recently on New York Times covering Google’s undersea projects. They have a nice map of the history of undersea cables and which of them Facebook, Google, Microsoft or Amazon “partly own, solely own or are a major capacity buyer of a cable owned by another company”.

Map published in New York Times. Graphics by Karl Russell, Troy Griggs and Blacki Migliozzi.
It looks like the share of these major content providers among all internet cables is increasing quite rapidly. And especially Google is taking lead of creating its own cable infrastructure.
There is an interview of Jayne Stowell, who oversees construction of Google’s undersea cable projects. Couple of nice comments:
“People think that data is in the cloud, but it’s not,”
“It’s in the ocean.”
“It really is management of a very complex multidimensional chess board,” said Ms. Stowell of Google, who wears an undersea cable as a necklace.
There is also interviews and pictures of guys working in the cable ship Durable that Google uses for its laying operations.
“I still get seasick,” said Walt Oswald, a technician who has been laying cables on ships for 20 years. He sticks a small patch behind his ear to hold back the nausea. “It’s not for everybody.”
Recommend to read!
Here’s couple more images of what Google is planning from company blog post.