Teacher Services at your service also during the summer time


We wish all our teaching personnel a relaxing summer time! In case you need support, we help also during the summer. Here you find info on important dates and also on training.

12.6.2024 MyCourses is updated to a new version (Moodle 4.3) and is out of use the whole day (at 9-19). The changes are on user experience level, read more info here: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/OPIT/MyCourses+updateinfo. New MyCourses workspaces for the next academic year are generated automatically for every course as soon as the course information in Sisu is ready and published.

Enrolment on pedagogigal training Autumn 2024 is now open. Find you course of interest and enrol. Notice, that for some courses, the enrolment period ends as early as 11 August!

A serie of digipedagogigal training sessions is organised before the first teaching period starts. For your convenience, they are organised online, so you can join from wherever you are.

During the summer, Teacher Services is supporting teachers as usual; small delays are possible. You can contact us via MyTeaching Support form in your MyCourses workspace.

The next Teachers´ Weekly newsletter is published 12 August 2024. You find all important info in Teaching and Learning hub: https://www.aalto.fi/en/teaching-and-learning

Now we thank you for this teaching season and wish you all a sunny and refreshing summer time!