Dashboard published!

We held a workshop this Monday. Participants updated their concept maps (see: Map yourself to #LAK18 programme!). In short:

Concept map (or ‘knowledge map’) template was created based on Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference programme. Concept map data was then assessed by each participant based on their prior mastery and feelings towards the concepts. Relations were also asked to be drawn between concepts.

During the workshop participants designed the questions in which the dasbhoard should answer to.

  • Which conference topics are percieved as most controversial?
  • Who are the best experts in each field/theme?
  • How does my relations network relate to network drawn from all participants?

Dashboard can now be found online:


Direct link: tinyurl.com/lak18workshop6

The concept map exercise is still online. This means that you can still map yourself to Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference programme: update your mastery, attach emoticons and draw relations. Updates to the dashboard around 12:30 pm (Sydney timezone). To do this: Map yourself to #LAK18 programme!