Author Archives: Riikka Puurunen

About Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017

Catalysis vocabulary (fi swe en) by Finnish Catalysis Society online

Good news: the Catalysis vocabulary fi swe en (Katalyysisanasto katalysordlista) has been (finally) uploaded to the website of the Finnish Catalysis Society. Link: This collection of terminology in three languages (last updated in 2011) and should be useful to catalysis-related … Continue reading

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Professor networking – campuses of my life

Aalto University holds professor’s networking events where new professors introduce themselves. On October 4 (2017), I had a chance to introduce myself — in two minutes and one slide :). The slide was requested specifically on the topic “campuses of … Continue reading

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IndChemCat summary 2017

Year 2017 was a year a changes to the Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis group at Aalto University, as two new professors started: Prof. Riikka Puurunen (Catalysis Science and Technology) in February (part time 60% until the end of July, full … Continue reading

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Course A!Peda Intro at Aalto University – highly recommended

During the last months, I had the privilege to participate in the course A!Peda Intro (5 cr) as a newly started professor at Aalto University. Overall, I found the course highly useful. The course gave the opportunity to meet peers at different … Continue reading

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Aquacat postdoc call closed – 113 applications received

We have finalized the recruiting process for the Aquacat project postdoctoral position, for which we received an amazing number of 113 applications. Among these, there were several excellent candidates, presenting us with the positive problem of choosing just one candidate. Thank you to … Continue reading

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Riikka Puurunen Aalto-yliopiston professoriksi (Katse 1/2017)

From Katse 1/2017, newsletter of the Finnish Catalysis Society. Written by professor emerita Outi Krause. TkT Riikka Puurunen aloitti helmikuun  alussa Aalto-yliopiston kemian tekniikan korkeakoulussa määräaikaisena teknillisen  kemian professorina (associate professor) erityisalueenaan katalyysi. Riikka Puurunen on TKK:n kasvatti. Hän  aloitti … Continue reading

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Logo competition of the Finnish catalysis society / DL Feb 15, 2018

From Katse 2/2017, newsletter of the Finnish Catalysis Society: Finnish Catalysis Society is having a logo competition! The new logo will replace our well-served logo e.g., on the website and in Katse. The new logo needs to be original and … Continue reading

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New Aalto blog: Catalysis Professor’s Open

Here we are! I have in February 2017 started as professor (tenure track, Catalysis Science and Technology) at Aalto University. Now, I am testing yet another tool at Aalto University – this time blog by WordPress. Let’s see what will come out of the experiment … Continue reading

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