Author Archives: Riikka Puurunen

About Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017

OpenTeaching : Introductory lecture on atomic layer deposition shared

Panopto is a great tool that we have available at Aalto University for making lecture capture. Yesterday, I gave my first introductory lecture on atomic layer deposition (ALD) in general as a professor at Aalto University. I recorded the lecture … Continue reading

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Interview in Aalto University Magazine 23

“A layer just a few atoms deep can work wonders” Read full story in Aalto University Magazine 23. It was an honour to be interviewed on atomic layer deposition (ALD) along with Prof. Hele Savin and Aalto Distinguished Professor Maarit … Continue reading

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Neste and Aalto University to begin strategic research cooperation

Aalto University news, 10.10.2018: Neste and Aalto University have today signed a letter of intent on strategic cooperation and the creation of a new research portfolio. The aim of the cooperation is to increase Finnish chemical industry expertise in chemical … Continue reading

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Honoured to receive the Berzelius Prize

Aalto CHEM news, 27.8.2018: Berzelius Prize for Professor Riikka Puurunen The Swedish Catalysis Society presented the prize to Professor Puurunen in Copenhagen on 27 August 2018. The Berzelius Medal is given in the honour of the famous Swedish researcher Berzelius. The … Continue reading

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2018 Millennium Technology Prize to Dr. Tuomo Suntola

In May, the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize was awarded to Dr. Tuomo Suntola for Atomic Layer Deposition. Once more, congratulations to Suntola for the extremely well deserved prize, and thanks to the international community for the broad support behind the … Continue reading

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Marita Niemelä Alumna of the Year 2018 of the School of Chemical Engineering

Congratulations to Dr. Marita Niemelä! Photo by Riikka Puurunen, 22.8.2018 (Twitter). More on Aalto CHEM news, 27.8.2018, by Helena Seppälä, copied for completeness below. Curiosity and constant learning are the driving forces for the Vice President, Engineering and Technology at Neste … Continue reading

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Prof. De Jong’s lecture on catalysis in Aalto University Youtube channel

As mentioned in the previous blog post, Prof. Krijn De Jong from Utrecht University, current holder of the EFCATS Francoise Gault lecture award, gave an inspiring plenary lecture “Effects of size and location of metal nanoparticles in catalysis” at the … Continue reading

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Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis 2018 – report of the event

On April 6 this year, I organized the event “Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis 2018 (FYSFC2018)” for the Finnish Catalysis Society. In the newest Katse 1/2018 newsletter of the society, a report of the event is published by my colleague José … Continue reading

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Course feedback ready & shared CHEM-E1130 + CHEM-E1140

Student feedback surveys are finished for 2018 for the courses CHEM-E1130 Catalysis and CHEM-E1140 Catalysis for Biomass Refining. Warmest thanks to all students who answered; the feedback will help develop the courses further. Feedback summaries, with identifiable comments removed, can be … Continue reading

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New article in press, by Mäkelä et al.

New accepted article from the Aalto Catalysis group: Mäkelä, Lahti, Jaatinen, Romar, Hu, Lassi, Puurunen, Karinen, Study of Ni, Pt and Ru catalysts on wood-based activated carbon supports and their activity in 2-methylfuran production, ChemCatChem, Published online 25th of April. … Continue reading

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