Presentation instructions

The authors of accepted abstracts have been notified via email. Please see the guidelines for poster and oral presentations below.


A poster is a graphic presentation of an author’s research. Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards.

There will be two poster sessions during the conference, during which authors will present their posters. The poster sessions will take place in the conference room at the following times:

  • Wednesday 29th May from 13:15 to 14:00
  • Thursday 30th May from 13:15 to 14:00

All posters will be presented in both sessions. Posters should be set up on Wednesday morning at 9:25 am latest, before the start of the conference program. Posters should be taken down by Friday 31st May 14:00 latest: otherwise they will be cleared out.

Instructions for making and printing the poster

  • We strongly recommend minimizing the amount of text on the poster.
  • The recommended size of the poster is A0 portrait-form (width: 841 mm, height: 1189 mm).
  • Stand will be available for mounting posters.

We strongly recommend to print your poster before arriving to Finland. However, if you do not want to travel with a poster and will be arriving to Finland early, you can order printing from Mister Easy Business at They offer printing in 2-3 days (recommended), but also a 24-hour express service. Mister Easy Business is located in Helsinki City Centre in Kamppi, a 20-minute metro ride from the conference venue in Otaniemi.


Please note that all presentations have been standardized to 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for questions. (Poster is optional)

To ensure that the presentations run smoothly, please send your presentation slides via email to on Tuesday 28th May 18:00 Finland time (GMT+3) latest. The accepted formats for the presentations are PowerPoint (.pptx) and PDF (.pdf). Please name the file lastname_firstname_presentation.

The time limit (15 minutes) is strict. During the presentations, we will clearly indicate when your time is nearly up and when it is over. To keep the presentations the correct length and easy to follow, the length of the presentation slides is restricted to 1 slide per minute of talk time + title slide. Thus, the limits are as follows:

15-minute presentations: Title slide + max. 15 slides

We strongly recommend using large fonts and enlarged figures in the presentation slides so that they can easily be seen and read from the back seat.

There will be a 5 minutes time allocated for questions after the presentation. These time limits are also strict.