Research Coordinator Kalle Toiskallio
Research Coordinator Kalle Toiskallio
Now that we have found 10 important challenges for Estonian cities, we would like to know which ones seem more interesting or more relevant for the researchers who are participating here. Take a minute to chose one to three challenges that are best related to your personal research work here.
Thank you!
Leave your contribution (suggestions for presentations) as a reply (link below or bubble in upper right corner).
In case you want to discuss first about your idea or ready-made presentation of an academic presentation with organisers, please approach Kalle Toiskallio.
+358 50 406 64 69.
Or, perhaps you have more practical issues of urban developing. If so, contact Matti Hämäläinen.
The next research and Innovation Seminar will happen the 29th of October from 12 to 14 hours. To attend, please click the Zoom link here.