Catalysis vocabulary (fi swe en) by Finnish Catalysis Society online

Good news: the Catalysis vocabulary fi swe en (Katalyysisanasto katalysordlista) has been (finally) uploaded to the website of the Finnish Catalysis Society. Link:

This collection of terminology in three languages (last updated in 2011) and should be useful to catalysis-related thesis authors of different levels (B.Sc, M.Sc, doctoral).


Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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Professor networking – campuses of my life

Aalto University holds professor’s networking events where new professors introduce themselves. On October 4 (2017), I had a chance to introduce myself — in two minutes and one slide :). The slide was requested specifically on the topic “campuses of my life”.

  • Here is how my introduction slide looked like (photo taken by Erkki Pöytäniemi).
  • A link to the full slideset in Aalto inside here.


Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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IndChemCat summary 2017

Year 2017 was a year a changes to the Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis group at Aalto University, as two new professors started: Prof. Riikka Puurunen (Catalysis Science and Technology) in February (part time 60% until the end of July, full time thereafter); and Prof. Yongdan Li (Industrial Chemistry) in June (directly full time).

When the year approaches the end, it is interesting to look back and summarize the achievements of the year. Despite the fact that the new professors have only recently started, the group has in 2017 produced in total ten peer-reviewed scientific publications. This is thanks to on-going research created by earlier group leaders and the proactive group members including an experienced senior lecturer. Also two doctoral theses have been defended and several oral and poster presentations given at international conferences and local events. The details of the peer-reviewed journal articles and doctoral theses are given at the end of the post.

With these words and the references, it is a pleasure to wish the blog readers – if there are any yet 🙂 – a joyous and peaceful Christmas time, and success for 2018!


Scientific peer-reviewed articles published in relation with the IndChemCat group in 2017: read more >>

Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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Course A!Peda Intro at Aalto University – highly recommended

During the last months, I had the privilege to participate in the course A!Peda Intro (5 cr) as a newly started professor at Aalto University.

Overall, I found the course highly useful. The course gave the opportunity to meet peers at different schools of Aalto University; to familiarize with the many dimensions related to “teaching” (better, learning); and to see many ways of teaching/learning in action. It came to me also just at a good moment, as I am about to start one course (CHEM-E1130 Catalysis) and planning two other courses (CHEM-E1140 Catalysis for Biomass Refining and Licentiate Seminar on Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis, no code yet). From A!Peda Intro, I got many valuable hints that will help me progress. I warmly recommend the A!Peda Intro course to other people who have just started at Aalto University as well as to more seasoned professionals who are open to  freshen up their teaching methods. The time spent for A!Peda Intro was well spent.

Today was the last day of the course, and there was a special treat waiting at the end that I want to mention in this post: senior lecturer Marko Keskinen (@keskma) sharing his experiences on flipped learning. The course concerned is the bachelor-level course “Vesi- ja ympäristötekniikka ENY-C2003,” Aalto internal (?) link to the MyCourse 2017 workspace here. News items have been published on that earlier in English and in Finnish. One thing that I found especially delighting in addition to the fresh view of teaching was that – in accord with openness as one of the guiding priciples of Aalto University, course feedback has been shared at the course website (see: Kurssipalaute). I don’t think that such open sharing is a widespread practice at Aalto University. I hope for more of such openness in the future and I am willing to contribute to that increased openness myself.

Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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Aquacat postdoc call closed – 113 applications received

We have finalized the recruiting process for the Aquacat project postdoctoral position, for which we received an amazing number of 113 applications. Among these, there were several excellent candidates, presenting us with the positive problem of choosing just one candidate. Thank you to all who applied – please watch our webpage for new open positions.

*** Original call text begins, published Sept 6, 2017: *** read more >>

Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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Riikka Puurunen Aalto-yliopiston professoriksi (Katse 1/2017)

From Katse 1/2017, newsletter of the Finnish Catalysis Society. Written by professor emerita Outi Krause.

TkT Riikka Puurunen aloitti helmikuun  alussa Aalto-yliopiston kemian tekniikan korkeakoulussa määräaikaisena teknillisen  kemian professorina (associate professor)
erityisalueenaan katalyysi.

Riikka Puurunen on TKK:n kasvatti. Hän  aloitti opintonsa Kemian osastolla vuonna
1994, valmistui DI:ksi neljä ja puoli vuotta myöhemmin ja väitteli tekniikan tohtoriksi
vuonna 2002. Jatko-opintoihin sisältyi myös vuoden tutkimusjakso K.U. Leuvenissä
Belgiassa. Väitöksen jälkeen hän palasi Belgiaan postdoc-tutkijaksi IMEC-tutkimus-
keskukseen. Riikka tuli takaisin Suomeen ja Otaniemeen v. 2004 VTT:lle tutkijaksi, josta
hän siirtyi Aalto-yliopistoon. Hän jatkaa myös VTT:n osa-aikaisena vanhempana
tutkijana tämä vuoden heinäkuun loppuun asti.

Riikka Puurusen tutkimukset ovat fokusoituneet ALD-tekniikkaan ja sen
erilaisiin sovellutuksiin. ALD-tekniikkaan hän tutustui jo diplomityössään, joka käsitteli
ALD-tekniikan mahdollisuuksia katalyyttien valmistuksessa. Tämä aihealue laajeni
väitöstutkimuksissa, jotka käsittelivät itse ALD-prosessia huokoisilla pinnoilla sekä
muodostuneiden pintojen karakterisointia. Sen jälkeen Riikan tutkimukset ovat liittyneet
ALD:n käyttöön mikroelektroniikan sovellutuksissa ja VTT:llä mikroelektro-
mekaanisissä systeemeissä. Varsinaisen tieteellisen tutkimuksen lisäksi hän on tehnyt
merkittävän työn kokoamalla erittäin laajasti julkaisuja ALD-tekniikasta eri vuosi-
kymmeniltä sekä opinnäytetöitä.

Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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Logo competition of the Finnish catalysis society / DL Feb 15, 2018

From Katse 2/2017, newsletter of the Finnish Catalysis Society:

Finnish Catalysis Society is having a logo competition! The new logo will replace our well-served logo e.g., on the website and in Katse. The new logo needs to be original and describe catalysis, but otherwise participants will have free hands. The contest is open to all friends of catalysis independent of experience and knowledge of catalysis and design. Each participant may submit one entry digitally to karoliina.honkala at before February 15th 2018. The board of Finnish Catalysis Society will select the winning logo. The winner will be announced in the next Young Scientist Forum in Espoo, where he/she will be invited (free of charge). The name of the winner will be published in Katse and on the website of the Finnish Catalysis Society.

(Featured image: current logo in the webpage

Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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New Aalto blog: Catalysis Professor’s Open

Here we are! I have in February 2017 started as professor (tenure track, Catalysis Science and Technology) at Aalto University. Now, I am testing yet another tool at Aalto University – this time blog by WordPress. Let’s see what will come out of the experiment :).

I do not plan to blog regularly – rather, there will be blog posts whenever I feel like I have something to say. At least new articles and open positions are likely to be featured here, and probably some other things, too.

I will welcome guest posts by other Aalto people to the Catalysis Professor’s Open blog.

You can find me also for example in:

  • Twitter: @rlpuu, @AaltoCatalysis
  • ALD History Blog (activity declining, but project still on-going):


Posted by Riikka Puurunen

Associate professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, at Aalto since February 2017
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