Students of Eduardo Mondlane University from Maputo did their two-month intensive training and thesis literature work at Aalto University in the end of 2014. Time was well spent on learning on each thesis in detail and sharing the information. Lectures, several company visits and exercises complemented the theory with excellent practical lessons.
Students are now back in Maputo to continue with their thesis studies in practice. Vagalhão and Sol Nascente team will reunite with the students during the next field visit most likely in April 2015.
A picture says a thousand words so please enjoy the following collection of snapshots during the students’ visit to Finland. We want to express their most sincere thank you to every company, association and consortium that hosted and helped us along the way:
Nuuksio National Park and Haltia Environment Centre
Finland-Mozambique Association
Aalto: Protostudio and FabLab on Arabia campus, Martin Hackenberg for all his assistance! Department of Forest Products Technology staff and School of Chemical Technology International Offices staff
THANK YOU! We look forward to seeing you all again!!
Posted by Mikko