How to get there?

Getting to the Welcoming Event on Monday 8:15

  1. Travel to Otaniemi. Use, for example, the Helsinki public transport journey planner HSL ( The address of the Aalto Undergraduate Centre is Otakaari 1 .
  2. If taking the metro (station Aalto-yliopisto – Aalto-universitetet – Aalto University),  choose the Otaniementie exit (do not take the Tietotie exit).
  3. Get to the Aalto Undergraduate Center (View on Google Maps).
  4. Get to Room M1. Use for example SALGuide (
  5. Welcome!

Other Important Locations

Monday / Wednesday
Aalto University Undergraduate Center, Otakaari 1, Espoo (View on Google Maps)
Specific directions to Room M1: (Click on the pictures)

Cruise Monday/Wednesday
Silja Tallink Olympia Terminal – South Harbour, Port of Helsinki (View on Google Maps)

Aalto University Design Factory, Lämpömiehenkuja 5, Espoo (View on Google Maps)

Wednesday Get-together
Restaurant Fat Lizard, Tietotie 1, Espoo – opposite Metro stop Aalto University – Exit Tietotie (View on Google Maps)