Dr. Jukka Ruusunen

Jukka Ruusunen studied at Helsinki University of Technology, finishing his doctoral thesis in 1991.

He started as President & CEO of  Fingrid Oyj in 2007. He served as Vice President for Business Development at Fortum  Power and Heat Oy and as adviser in Strategic Planning at  Imatran Voima Oy 1996-2006. Before that he worked at Helsinki University of Technology and Helsinki School of Economics since 1982.


Jukka Ruusunen is docent at Aalto University School of Science and Technology, and Aalto University School of Economics.

Jukka Ruusunen is married and has four children and three grandchildren.

Keynote: Love story of supply and demand in the future electricity system

Date and time: Thursday, 11th November at 10:15 – 10:45 (Helsinki time)

Combating climate change means a revolution in electrification. One of the key questions is: how does the future electricity system work? How can we invest in transmission grids in the world of big uncertainties and long lead times for the investments? How do supply and demand meet all the time as there will be more and more weather dependent generation? How can we utilize the potential from sector coupling? Role for energy market modellers? I approach these questions as a person, who works with these issues every day. Very practical approach – no theory.