
Trans-Atlantic Cooperation on Energy Market Modeling

Dr. Christian Skar

Dr. Christian Skar holds a position as an Adjunct Associate Professor at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology and acts as coordinator for the TACEMM project. His research has focused on the development and applications of long-term power market models for energy transition studies.



Christian also works as a product manager at Volue, a leading software vendor for the energy industry. At Volue Christian is responsible for the optimization and production planning software which are in widespread use by many of the largest utilities in the Nordics and Continental Europe.

Prof. Asgeir Tomasgard


Doctoral Education Network on Systems Analysis, Decision Making and Risk Management

Ahti Salo, Professor of Systems Analysis, Director of the Network in Systems Analysis, Decision Making and Risk Management



Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference

Steven A. Gabriel, General Chair

Professor Steven A. Gabriel is an internationally renowned researcher in optimization, game theory/equilibrium modeling with many applications in energy, transportation, and the environment. His research has both a focus on methodologies as well as using state-of-the-art techniques in applied settings and has been active in both the public and private sectors.  

He is a Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering  as well as the Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing Program at the University of Maryland-College Park (USA).  In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)and a Research Professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (Germany).  He is spending his sabbatical year 2021-2022 as a Visiting Professor at Aalto University (Finland) and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) working on operations research problems in a variety of fields.


Local organizers

Mary-Ann Alfthan

mary-ann.alfthan @
phone +358 503054767







Leevi Olander

leevi.olander @
phone +358 405207300