Trans-Atlantic Cooperation on Energy Market Modeling

Date: November 8 – 12, 2021
Venue: Monday / Wednesday: Aalto University Undergraduate Center, Espoo (View on Google Maps); Thursday / Friday: Aalto University Design Factory, Espoo (View on Google Maps)
Detailed program: TACEMM Detailed Program
Contact in TACEMM matters: Christian Skar

Trans-Atlantic Cooperation on Energy Market Modeling (TACEMM) is a partnership project funded under the INTPART program by the Norwegian Research Council. The partners of TACEMM belong the following institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian School of Economics, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland and Technische Universität Berlin.

Funded by the Research Council of Norway.


Dr. Christian Skar

Dr. Christian Skar holds a position as an Adjunct Associate Professor at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology and acts as coordinator for the TACEMM project. His research has focused on the development and applications of long-term power market models for energy transition studies.



Christian also works as a product manager at Volue, a leading software vendor for the energy industry. At Volue Christian is responsible for the optimization and production planning software which are in widespread use by many of the largest utilities in the Nordics and Continental Europe.

Prof. Asgeir Tomasgard