Especially after spending time in the corporate world in between studies, it is easy to start prefering it over academia. Although student life has its advantages, sometimes the corporate world simply seems to provide more challenges to tackle in a concrete way every single day. This is one of the reasons I opted for the dual degree combining the CEMS MIM with another Master’s program from Aalto University School of Business.
In short, the CEMS MIM program builds a bridge between university education and working life. The curriculum offers multiple elements where students are provided with the opportunity to work together with corporate and social partners on real-life business challenges.
These include elements such as the block seminar, where we got to present our group project to a jury of consultants who gave feedback on our work. Another element are skill seminars, which are offered with numerous different partners. For me, this meant that I was able to attend a workshop with a company I have always dreamed of working for. It truly provided me with valuable insights that I do not think any academic course could have offered. Finally, a big part of the curriculum is a business project that is carried out throughout the spring semester. It is a consultancy-like project where students get to help a company with a business problem they are facing. Not only are all of these elements valuable for learning purposes but they also provide a unique opportunity to network.
In addition to the strong integration of corporate partnerships, my motivation to apply was based on the international emphasis of the program. I enjoyed my Bachelor’s exchange to the extent that I knew I wanted to do it again during my Master’s studies. CEMS seemed like the perfect opportunity, as half of the MIM program is completed at a partner university. My semester in Switzerland has been an amazing experience as I have not only been able to meet numerous corporate partners that might not be as present in Finland, but I have also built a network of international peers from my fellow students. The cohort truly feels like a family at this point as my semester is unfortunately coming to an end.
Block Seminar
All in all, I would highly recommend CEMS for anyone who wishes to gain international experience. In addition to the international emphasis, the CEMS program is a great opportunity to start building an international career as the curriculum has a high emphasis on learning concrete business skills and meeting partners from the corporate word.
Application for the crown model which can be combined with another Master’s program ends on December 14, 2018 (noon) and for the CEMS MIM combined with the Master’s Program in Global Management on January 11, 2019.
More information on the program including instructions on how to apply:
Liisa Antola
CEMS Master’s in International Management