Call for Abstracts

PowerPoint PresentationSubmit your abstract before 25th of September 2017 (exteded deadline)

The Nordic Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) invites abstracts to the 3rd conference which will be held at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, November 2-3, 2017.
The theme of the conference “Risk and Security” highlights the role risk plays in relation to security. Security concerns and related risk issues are today in the heart of organizations, governments and international institutions.  There are however, no simple ways to deal with these concerns and issues and conventional risk assessment methods are challenged by the need for new concepts and tools to properly handle security risks.

The conference keynotes and panel consisting of people from different industries will focus on the risk and security theme. We want to discuss how risk assessment, risk communication, risk management and governance support the understanding, judgments, dialogue and decision making related to security in society, and how they could be improved. Traditionally the safety-risk analysis community and the security community have been two separated camps with rather different ideas and methods. We question if there is a potential for unifying these environments to better meet the challenges faced.  Is the current research on risk and security showing that such integration is emerging? And what are the benefits gained?

In addition, we welcome contributions on any topic related to the risk assessment, characterization, perception, communication, management and governance of risk, uncertainty, security and safety in the context of concern to individuals, to public and private sector organizations, and to society at a local, regional, national, or global level. Based on the submitted abstracts the organiser will form suitable sessions addressing various topics.

The organiser welcomes individual abstracts and symposia.

We are also planning hands-on workshops on risk the day before the conference.
Contact Ullrika Sahlin if you are interested in giving a workshop.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet other practitioners and researchers on risk and to get an introduction to risk. The 1st and 2nd SRA Nordic Chapter meetings had about 120 participants.

The conference brings together practitioners and academics interested in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in Europe. The Society for Risk Analysis Europe: Nordic Chapter promotes specifically Nordic and Baltic issues in the field of risk, and aims to facilitate debate and exchanges of information and opinion between professionals in industry, government, universities, research institutes, and consultancies. It has the ambition to convene and promote scientific and educational meetings on risk research, risk analysis and risk management in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Instructions for submitting abstracts

  •  Length max 400 words
  • Submit your abstract before 25th of September 2017 (extended deadline)
  • Address:
  • You will get information about the acceptance of your abstract by 30th of September 2017
  • For further information, please contact Marja Ylönen,

Posted by Mary-Ann Alfthan

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