Beautiful winter day at Riga with all the reasons to stay out:
Beautiful Riga harbour view on 16 January 2018.
But no, they came to listen to our lecture on academic advising, concept mapping, reporting and using those in leading a degree programme titled:
“Improving students’ learning experience in higher education”
With lectures on:
Program Leading Example: Work-life Skills Integration for Marine Technology M.Sc. Studies (Plan the teaching events, Do them, Check the perfomance/ gaps, Act to fill them).
Putting Learning Analytics into Practice Utilizing Concept Mapping: From Learning Assignment to a Portfolio Illustrating Student’s Personal Study Plans
Jani Romanoff: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
Ville Kivimäki: Project manager,Dean’s Unit of the School of Engineering, Aalto University
Joonas Pesonen: A former project manager in CSC – IT Center for Science (leading data infrastructure modernization project for Finnish education & research data)
Joonas Pesonen giving a lecture on IT system architecture used in ConceptmapAnalytics
Some 80 showed up. Some came from other Latvian universities, but most were from Riga Technical University.
After the lecture we had great discussions with participants. Our approach seemed to draw a lot of interest. We had great time at Riga. Hope we will meet again.
Don’t remember to register and attend our workshop at #LAK18 and dig deeper in changing education using learning analytics through concept mapping.