The conference will take place virtually in Zoom. The Zoom meeting will open 30 minutes before the first session and close 30 minutes after the last session.
Program at a glance
Monday, May 31 | Tuesday, June 1 | Wednesday, June 2 | |
14:00 – 15:30 | Parallel sessions 1A & 1B | Parallel sessions 3A & 3B | Parallel sessions 5A & 5B |
15:30 – 16:00 | Break | Break | Break |
16:00 – 17:00 | Keynotes: Walter Ferrier (University of Kentucky), Tomi Laamanen (University of St. Gallen) | Panel: Goce Andrevski (Queen’s University), Riitta Katila (Stanford University), Mikko Ketokivi (IE Business School) | Keynotes: Ming-Jer Chen (University of Virginia), Joe Porac (New York University) |
17:00 – 18:00 | Break | Break | Break |
18:00 – 19:30 | Parallel sessions 2A & 2B | Parallel sessions 4A & 4B | Parallel sessions 6A & 6B |
19:30 – 20:00 | Conference closing & Best Paper Award |
All times are Helsinki time (UCT+3).
Parallel sessions
You can access available papers through the link and password that has been sent to registered participants. If you have lost the email, reach out to as at
Monday, May 31
Session 1A: Information & Competitive Action
Peter Edlund (Uppsala University), Niklas Bomark (Uppsala University), and Stefan Arora-Jonsson (Uppsala University): The Dynamics of Competitive Locus
Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD): The Value of Competitor Information: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Richard Priem (TCU), Nebojsa Davcik (EM Normandie Business School), Wanrong Hou (Robert C. Vackar College of Business & Entrepreneurship), and Iiro Vaniala (Aalto University): The Effects of Consumer Responseon Inter-Firm Competitive Dynamics
Session Chair / Discussant: Henrikki Tikkanen (Aalto University School of Business)
Session 1B: Technology & Competition
Annesofie Lindskov (Roskilde University), Kristian J. Sund (Roskilde University), Johannes Dreyer (Roskilde University), Jiang Yu (University of Chitinese Academy of Sciences): The Competitive Dynamics of Technology-Intensive Sectors
Daniel Keum (Columbia Business School): Uncertainty and the Dynamics of Technological Competition
Christopher Jung (WWU Muenster): When the Dynamized Become the Dynamizing: Can Dynamic Capabilities Spur Environmental Dynamism?
Session Chair / Discussant: Goce Andrevski (Queen’s University)
Session 2A: Speed & Competition
Annesofie Lindskov (Roskilde University): Hypercompetition: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
Jukka Luoma (Aalto University), Tomi Laamanen (University of St. Gallen), Juha-Antti Lamberg (University of Jyväskylä): Competing Fast and Slow: Interfirm Rivalry between Two Retail Organizations
Kalin Kolev (Marquette University), Bernadine J. Dykes (Shenandoah University), Margaret Hughes-Morgan (Marquette University), Walter J. Ferrier (University of Kentucky): Fast or Slow? A Meta-analysis on the Performance Implications of Organizational Speed
Session Chair / Discussant: Daniel Keum (Columbia Business School)
Session 2B: Knowledge & Search
Aliasghar Bahoo Torodi (Bocconi University) and Salvatore Torrisi (University of Milano-Bicocca & ICRIOS Bocconi): The Double-Edged Sword of Knowledge Inheritance: Knowledge Overlap and Spin-outs’ Performance
Ankur Chavda (HEC Paris) and John Eklund (University of Southern California): Industry or Ecosystem Change? Examining How New Entrants Can Impact Established Incumbent-Supplier Relationships
Sheen Levine (University of Texas, Dallas & Columbia University New York), Charlotte Reypens (University of Texas at Dallas), Christop Riedl (Northeastern University), and Felix Mauersberger (University of Texas at Dallas and University of Bonn, Germany): Search, Reactive and Proactive: Theory and Behavioral Evidence on the Roles of Trailing Aspirations and Performance Stability
Session Chair / Discussant: Mirva Peltoniemi (University of Jyväskylä)
Tuesday, June 1
Session 3A: Competition, Cooperation, & Institutions
Rossella Salandra (University of Bath) and Jan-Michael Ross (Imperial College Business School): Does rivalry influence selective reporting? A competitive dynamics perspective of comparative trials for antidepressant drugs
Elio Shijaku (University of Barcelona) and Paavo Ritala (LUT University): What drives market commonality and resource similarity in firms’ coopetitive alliance networks? Search behavior and network embeddedness in the global pharmaceuticals
Jingning Ao, Gal Blatman, Jesse-Burton Nicholson, Ravi Madhavan, and John Prescott (University of Pittsburgh): Do Models of Competition Vary across Institutional Contexts?
Session Chair / Discussant: Tomi Nokelainen (Framery)
Session 3B: Competitive Maneuvering
Jaime Gómez (Universidad de La Rioja), Beatriz Pérez-Aradros (Universidad de La Rioja), and Idana Salazar (Universidad de La Rioja): How to defeat early entrants: The role of competitive strategy and industry dynamism
Nycil George (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode): Follow your rival? The case of firm resource investments in an emerging economy
Session Chair / Discussant: Ankur Chavda (HEC Paris)
Session 4A: Knowledge, Competition & Markets
James M. Bloodgood (Kansas State University) and Andrew N.K. Chen (University of Kansas): Preventing Organizational Knowledge Leakage: The Influence of Knowledge Seekers’ Awareness, Motivation, and Capability
Sheen Levine (University of Texas, Dallas & Columbia University New York) and Edward Zajac (Northwestern University): The Other Invisible Hand: How Markets (As Institutions) Can Propagate Errors
Susanna Mansikkamäki (Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics) and Akseli Mansikkamäki (University of Oulu): Knowledge Gains and Efficiency Losses: A Life Course Approach to Member Turnover and Organizational Performance
Session Chair / Discussant: Wei Yang (University of Glasgow)
Session 4B: Competitive Interdependence
Dimitrija Kalanoski (University of Manchester), Goce Andrevski (Queen’s University), Kamyar Goudarzi (Queen’s University), and Danny Miller (HEC Montreal): When do firms benefit from their rivals’ acquisitions? The role of acquirers’ competitive behavior
Beatriz Domínguez (Universidad de Zaragoza), Jaime Gómez (Universidad de La Rioja), and Juan P. Maícas (Universidad de Zaragoza): Retaliatory entry: Determinants of entry as a competitive response
Khoa Nguyen (University of Jyväskylä): Reconceptualizing the complex causality between strategy choices and market dynamics
Session Chair / Discussant: Rogerio Victer (University of Connecticut)
Wednesday, June 2
Session 5A: Competitive Actions and Repertoires
Jaeyoung Cho (Xiamen University): The Mixed Gamble of Competitive Aggressiveness in Family Firms
Ivan Miroshnychenko (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), Kimberly A. Eddleston (Northeastern University), Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bolzano), and Josip Kotlar (Politecnico di Milano): Strategic market focus in family and nonfamily firms: The role of competitive dynamics
Peter T. Gianiodis (Duquesne University) and Tobin Turner (Presbyterian University): New Service Launch and Organizational Fit: Evidence for the Healthcare Industry
Session Chair / Discussant: Peter Edlund (University of Uppsala)
Session 5B: Learning & Legitimacy
Juha Laurila (University of Turku): Direct and reverse decoupling in the competition over environmental legitimacy: some evidence from the paper industry
Kata Isenring-Szabó (University of St.Gallen): I See You Struggle, Therefore I Survive? – Vicarious Learning from Failures and Near-Failures in the Swiss Private Banking Industry
Robert C. Ryan and Ravi Madhavan (University of Pittsburgh): Between Techno-Economic Paradigms: Paradigmatic Strategic Design as Competitive Capability
Session Chair / Discussant: Dmitry Sharapov (Imperial College London)
Session 6A: Competitive Reasoning
Khoa Nguyen (University of Jyväskylä) and Tomi Nokelainen (Framery Oy): Alert! Treating the language game in competitive interaction seriously
Goce Andrevski (Queen’s University) Danny Miller (HEC Montreal) Isabelle Le Breton-Miller (HEC Montreal) Walter Ferrier (University of Kentucky): Why fight? Discovering micro-rationales for tactical actions
Rogerio Victer (University of Connecticut): The Cognitive Theory of Commitment and the Adaptive Regulation of Performance
Session Chair / Discussant: Ravi Madhavan (University of Pittsburgh)
Session 6B: Top Managers & Competition
Wei Yang (University of Glasgow) and Sicheng Luo (National Sun Yat-sen University): Top Management Team Cognitive Diversity and Dynamic Competition
Temitope Oladimeji (University of Texas) and David A. Harrision (University of Texas): Differential Effects of CEO Hubris and Overconfidence on Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis
Brian Fox (Bentley University), Zeki Simsek (Clemson University), Ciaran Heavey (University College Dublin), Michael Xing (Clemson University): Understanding Strategic Leaders’ Role in Competitive Dynamics: Towards an Interface Model
Session Chair / Discussant: Henrikki Tikkanen (Aalto University School of Business)
If you have any questions, please contact the convenors at