Due to COVID-19, the conference is organized virtually in May 31 – June 2, 2021
Following the successful inaugural conference on Competitive Dynamics in 2018, hosted by the Queen’s University, Canada, the second Competitive Dynamics Conference is hosted by Aalto University in collaboration with the University of Jyväskylä.
The conference was originally planned for June 2020, and we received many high-quality submissions during the original call for papers. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was postponed.
The originally accepted papers are automatically accepted to the rescheduled conference. We are also announcing a supplementary call for papers, to accommodate important new research that was not submission ready during the original call for papers.
We are excited to announce that, in addition to a competitive selection of papers, the program includes invited talks by people at the frontier of competitive dynamics scholarship. Our preliminary list of guest speakers include Ming-Jer Chen (University of Virginia), Tomi Laamanen (University of St. Gallen), Riitta Katila (Stanford University), Joseph Porac (New York University), and Mikko Ketokivi (IE Business School).
Thanks to the generous financial support of the Finnish Foundation for Economic Education, the conference is free of charge to all participants whose papers are accepted to the program.
Yours sincerely,
Jukka Luoma, Aalto University (jukka.luoma@aalto.fi)
Juha-Antti Lamberg, University of Jyväskylä (juha-antti.lamberg@jyu.fi)
and, organizers of the 2018 conference:
Goce Andrevski, Queen’s University (gandrevski@business.queensu.ca)
Walter Ferrier, University of Kentucky (walter.ferrier@uky.edu)
Important dates
February 28 – deadline for paper submissions (supplementary call for papers) and confirmation of attendance based on a previously accepted paper
March 31 – notification of acceptance/rejection
April 30 – presenter registration deadline
May 24 – attendee registration deadline
May 31 through June 2 – Virtual CD2020 conference