Decoding The Smart City workshop will be held online in conjunction with the NordiCHI 2020 conference October 26, 2020, at 12.00-17.00 pm (EET).
Call for participation deadline: 17.8.2020. New Deadline: Friday, August 28, 2020. On August 18, NordiCHI 2020 announced that the conference will take place online. We are therefore extending the deadline for the Decoding the Smart City workshop and encouraging any international participants who might otherwise not have been able to attend to submit a position paper.
Smart city systems and applications are shaping how we experience urban life. While some of these changes are obvious, many remain unseen. These technologies are intended to make our lives more convenient, and can be measured in quantitative terms like efficiency and cost-savings, but how do we gain a fuller picture of their impacts? This workshop explores the need to assess the social impacts of smart cities and the potential for different methods of data collection to be used to this end. Morning presentations and guided discussion will examine case studies, compare research methods and frame issues to be explored together. Afternoon group work involves imagining new ways to evaluate smart city projects, applying a mix of research methods to real scenarios and data sets. The call for participation invites researchers and practitioners to submit short position papers that will inform the workshop and lead to an expanded publication.