Service goes Accessible in 10-11 January 2013

Service goes Accessible 2013 is the second Aalto University accessibility symposium with workshops for faculty, staff and students. The two-day event will be on 10-11 January 2013 at Open Innovation House, Otaniemi campus. The main goal of the symposium is in co-design the accessibility of new campus in three main fields: The facilities like buildings, routes and passages, IT services and blended learning with open access.

The symposium is for all community members to discuss and exchange ideas to improve and co-design our communication and interaction in education, research and services. The symposium is organised by Student services (OOP), Strategic Support for Research and Education (TOST-VIPU), Aalto University IT and Facility services.

Enrol at if you are interested to boost our communication and include all members of Aalto community in our daily activities.


Programme on the first day 10 Jan 2013 (Thursday)

Morning session 1A

09.00 Registration and coffee

09.30 Welcome to co-design accessible Aalto! Director, policy and foresight, Jari Jokinen

10.00 Keep it simple: what, how, why, who? Keynote by Director Rob Waller, The Simplification Centre, London. Bambuser:

  • Presenter: Rob Waller has researched, taught, practiced and written about information design for several decades. The Simplification Centre is a not-for-profit, looking for alternatives to the difficult information that rules our lives.

10.45 Discussion moderated by Philip Dean

11.00 People Connecting Aalto. IT Architect Oliver Manner, Aalto Media Factory AMF

  • Presenter: Oliver is IT Architect at Aalto Media Factory. He has worked in Aalto ARTS Department of Design, Aalto IT and Media Factory since 1997. “Web technologies, – development and general optimizing and rationalizing are close to my heart.”

11.15 Discussion & Comments by Aalto people

11.50 Wrap up of the morning session 1A

12.00 Lunch (on your own) at TUAS,


Learn your service! Clinics open on Thursday at 10-15:

Afternoon session 1.1B

  • Room: A116

13.00 People discuss, machines communicate. Keynote by Senior Research Scientist / Automation and Systems Technology Timo Oksanen, Aalto ELEC

  • Presenter: Timo has ten years research activity in agricultural machine automation, eight years educating students to build robots in a student project, active person in standardization.

13.30 Social media and open access – the future of research? Dr Toma Susi, Aalto SCI

  • Abstract: The adept use of social media is becoming an integral part of science outreach. In addition, it seems that such activity can directly influence the number of article downloads and citations, suggesting it’s importance even by traditional metrics. Another recent development is the push for open access publishing, which gained significant momentum in 2012. The shift to open access is not only justified and necessary, but as a bonus also seems to enhance the impact of published research.
  • Presenter: Toma received his doctorate in nanomaterials research from Aalto SCI in June 2011. He has spent the past year actively building a social media presence and advocating for open access. More about Toma in Aalto Inside!

14.00 Fishbowl conversation: Combining virtual tuition with social media, open access, open courseware in practice, legal issues like copyright and creative commons, making excellent footage video & audio footage for learners etc.

14.30 Coffee (on the house for pre-registred participants)

15.00 Design Challenge: Accessible blended learning. Timo Ovaska & Lauri Saarinen, Aalto TOST & VIPU Presentation, discussion & tasks for small groups.

16.20 Closing remarks of the first day and information for the second day (Friday)


Rob Waller workshop on 11 Jan 2013

Afternoon session 1.2B (parallel with 1.1B)

13.00-16.20 Rob Waller workshop for content producers.

Programme of the second day 11 Jan 2013

Programme of the second day 11 Jan 2013 (Friday)

Morning session 2A

8.30 Registration for the second day and TIVI-O

09.00 Joint keynote (2A and TIVI-O): From staged participation to sustainable collaborations: lessons from participatory e-planning by researcher Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Aalto ARTS.

  • Room: A116
  • Presenter: Joanna is a doctoral candidate at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture of the Aalto University. She has a background in architecture and new media and digital design. Her research addresses the limitations of the current approach to participatory e-planning, where the relationship between technology and citizen participation in urban planning is often based on the application of “ready-to-use” technology in the context of formal participation and urban planning processes. By situating her work at the intersection of digital design and urban planning, she proposes a new conceptualization of participatory e-planning, which enables the collaborative development of both technologies and participation processes concurrently.

9.30 Instructions for the parallel task groups: 2.1A, 2.2A, 2.3A and TIVI-O unconference,

10.00 – 15.00

TIVI-O unconference: Mobility and blended accessibility, how to make tacit knowledge tangible?

10.00 – 12.00 (15.00)

Workshop session 2.1A  (parallel): Safety and accessibility on Campus

  • Room: A116
  • Chair: Architecht Pauliina Skyttä, Aalto University and Architecht Niina Kilpelä, Kynnys ry – The Threshold Association,
  • Facilitator: Tarmo Toikkanen
  • Cardboard hospital: Example of co-design. Project Researcher Juha Kronqvist, Aalto ARTS, http://designforhealthcare.blogspot.fi
  • Presenter: Juha is a design researcher at Aalto ARTS and a service designer at Diagonal. He is interested in designing services that are more human-centered, experiential and support people’s resilience in a changing world. >>

10.00 – 12.00

Workshop session 2.2A (parallel): Linked data

  • Room: 1021, TUAS Building, Otaniementie 17 (next to TUAS Amica restaurant)
  • Facilitator: Anne Sunikka
  • Theme: Linked Open Data Aalto Service,
  • W3C (Machine) Accessible Web Technologies. Adj. Prof. Ossi Nykänen, Tampere University of Technology, W3C Finnish Office.
  • Presenter: Ossi works as an adjunct professor and a senior research fellow at the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), department of mathematics, hypermedia laboratory. His responsibilities include teaching and managing the studies of hypermedia (a main subject in the information technology undergraduate program), managing the W3C Finnish office, and various projects. Ossi’s educational background is computer science (MSc) and mathematics (DSc (Tech)). His personal research interests include applications of logic in information technology, mechanic inference and machine learning, (computer-supported) mathematics and education, information modeling and visualisation, and the related (Web) applications. This work yields into applications in, e.g., structured documents, knowledge management, and intelligent-kind-of systems. The practical aspect of Ossi’s work is related to Web technologies.
  • Linked Open Aalto ( Dr (Post-doc) Tomi Kauppinen, Aalto SCI
  • Presenter: Tomi is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Media Technology at the Aalto University School of Science. Previously during 2010-2012  he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Semantic Interoperability Lab (MUSIL) at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster in Germany. He holds a PhD from the Aalto University, Finland with a thesis on reasoning about change and time.  His current projects include opening and linking of scientific and educational data in and in the Linked Open Aalto projects. &
  • Augmented reality for the blind – The story behind BlindSquare. Inventor and developer of BlindSquare Ilkka Pirttimaa, .
  • Presenter: Ilkka studied in Aalto University Usability School which gives nice groundings for innovations like BlindSquare. He is Head of Technology in Stockmann and CTO in MIPsoft Oy, which is a mobile app development company.

10.00 – 12.00

Workshop session 2.3A (parallel): Wellbeing

12.00-13.00 Lunch (on your own) at TUAS,

Afternoon sessions on Friday

Afternoon sessions 2.1B, 2.2B, 2.3B

13.00 – 15.00

Workshop session 2.1B (parallel): IT services

  • Room A117
  • How to be safe in the cloud, AaltoCloud by IT Security specialist Tomi Järvinen, Aalto IT information security team.
  • Presentation slides by Tomi:
  • Reference Management Tools: free vs. commercial. Team Leader, Electronic Resources, Mari Aaltonen, Aalto University Library.
  • Presenters: Timo is Aalto university – IT Security Specialist and he has been working as F-secure corporation – IT Security Specialist, G4S  – Corporate IT manager, IT – “this and that” since 1985-. Tomi’s specialties are  IT security, Cloud technologies and IT infrastructure development. Gardener, Artist & martial artist, . Mari is responsible for the acquisition and management of the Library’s electronic resources.

13.00 – 15.00

Workshop session 2.2B (parallel): Acoustics

13.00 – 15.00

Workshop session 2.3B (parallel): Open access

  • Room: 1021, TUAS Building, Otaniementie 17 (next to TUAS Amica restaurant)
  • Open access, Open courseware & copyright. Copyright Attorney Maria Rehbinder, Aalto ARTS, & Copyright and Creative Commons in practice. Researcher Tarmo Toikkanen, LE Group, Media Department, Aalto ARTS. Tarmo is researcher of educational psychology at the Learning Environments research group, focusing on CSCL and NL and Technical lead of Creative Commons Finland, published copyright author.
15.00 Joint wrap up

  • Room: A116
  • Coffee served (on the house)
  • Putting it all together (workshops & TIVI-O), action points


16.15 Closing remarks by Head of Campus Development Jarkko Leinonen

16.30 The end of the symposium and the beginning of Accessible Aalto!

Enrol at

Posted by Antti

About Antti

Aalto People, Antti Raike:
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