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Refinitiv capacity constraint
We do have limited capacity regarding Eikon and Datastream. As a rule of thumb, get your data and analyse it elsewhere.
Also, we have new options in terms of
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This is what you should do in case Eikon gets stuck
NOTE: Save your Eikon workspace files and Eikon Excel files then close your Eikon program.
How to Clear the Internet Explorer Cookies and Files:
1. Open your
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Getting that list of companies through Eikon
Unfortunately SCREENER application in Eikon has several issues including the issue of yielding results that are simply put incorrect.
Although Refinitiv has been contacted numerous times about
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How to make empowered charts for great presentations using think-cell
Yes, you can make different kind of charts with the basic features of PowerPoint. However, creating effective charts can be difficult without specialized tools.
think-cell is a
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Get started using API’s: Using CodeCreator and Codebook to retrieve Eikon data
Those of you having little experience in Python and in retrieving data through API’s, might find Codebook useful.
For example the CodeCreator has the same user
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WRDS stopped working, who to contact?
In case your WRDS account stops working and thus you do not gain access anymore, contact Henri Blomster. Do not contact anybody else.
Aalto Department of finance has several
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How to get started using WRDS
Behind this link, you will find education videos by WRDS, covering topics on Compustat and CRSP.
WRDS is widely used and you can find useful videos
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Dataroom Q301 is currently closed. Here you will find current alternatives
Dataroom Q301 is closed due to the corona pandemic. Meanwhile remotely accessible sources of data are listed here.
WRDS data is available remotely.
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The issue for duplicated dates on low trading stocks in Eikon Excel add-in
Often we need not only stock prices, but also dividend and splits -including total returns.
In Thomson Reuters Formula builder we add the stock(s)
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Se hetki kun kirjautuminen Thomson Reuters / Eikoniin vaikuttaa pistävän tilin lukkoon
Albert Einstein totesi aikoinaan, ettei ole mitään järkeä olettaa että sama asetelma toisi eri tuloksen toisella kertaa. Tässä kohti Einstein kannattaa kuitenkin unohtaa.
Käytännössä loggaa ulos ja yritä uudestaan
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