Category Archives: Uncategorized

Recent news from WRMRG

Personnel changes Nora Sillanpää, DSc (Tech), was appointed adjunct professor at the end of 2020. Nora is working mainly at Service Manager in the stormwater team of Sitowise’s Water Services. At Aalto, Nora is a part-time stormwater management professor.   Postdoctoral researcher Hanne Laine-Kaulio moved to Academy of Finland in … Continue reading

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My thesis – Controlled drainage in future climate

-Aleksi Salla In the beginning of 2020, I started my master’s thesis process under the supervision and advisement of prof Harri Koivusalo and Heidi Salo from Water and Environmental engineering (Aalto University) and Olle Häggblom from Finnish Field Drainage Association. … Continue reading

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Dealing with complexity at the Environmental Hydraulics Lab

Simplification is a crucial and sometimes unavoidable step for the physical description of reality. In the study and modelling of flow in natural watercourses, significant simplifications have been traditionally introduced as to handle the complexity deriving from the presence of … Continue reading

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