Team Ponto

The student team consists of five multidisciplinary students from Aalto University, mentored by Kristjana Adalgeirsdottir, a researcher and an expert in humanitarian architecture.

Meeri Pitkänen, master’s thesis worker in Landscape Architecture, specializing in the utilization of urban space as part of integration.

Siiri Hänninen, master’s thesis worker in Architecture, specializing in the experiences of urban space, trying to find new meaningful ways to work as an architect in the era of climate change.  

Iiris Nieminen, first year master student in Water and Environmental engineering, specializing in water resources and passionate about development connected to water. 

Vilma Torkkeli, master’s thesis worker International Design Business Management, specializing in sustainability management and global development.

Roosa Laakso, first year master student in Creative Sustainability specialized in the UN SDGs and passionate about sustainable city infrastructure.

Instagram: sgt_ponto​

